A Good Ole Boy &Whisky Farm Fucking

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Haz 29, 2023 // By:admin // No Comment

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A Good Ole Boy &Whisky Farm FuckingBrandy and Comfort are like two peas in a pod. The two grew up together in a small city on the east coast. It was three weeks before they were to go their separate ways and off to college. They decided the best way to depart before college was to take a little trip down south. They wanted to see if they could experience some southern hospitality for once in their lives. The girls packed up their luggage, jumped in Brandy’s pink convertible, and headed down south y’all. While traveling the girls talked about growing up together and all the fun times they had in high school. Brandy with her sexy cropped hair, olive skin tone, radiant smile and thick and ever so curvy body. She was always the shy one out of the two. Comfort was just like her name. She was comfortable around just about anybody and comfortable with her looks and life in general. Southern parents raised comfort and she quickly learned the ways of the city. Comfort had creamy deep cocoa skin, huge tits and ass and a tiny waist. She was not shy at all and had no problems voicing her opinion. They had just passed the sign that read Welcome to Wild and Wonderful West Virginia when the check engine light started to flash. The girls were too busy indulging in conversation to notice the red flashing light. They talked, laughed and pointed at cows as they continued driving. “Brandy I can’t wait to hit Atlanta girl!” Comfort shouts. “I know. I don’t think Atlanta is ready for us girl.” Brandy answered. They giggled and continued talking about the marvelous mountains and beautiful scenery that the state had to offer. “Hey Brandy do you think there are any sexy ass men down south. I need me a big ass Mandingo muthafucka.” Comfort jokes. Brandy shifts her head from Comfort and back to the road ahead. “You are a fucking nut Comfort.” She laughs. The girls notice how dreadfully hot it was getting and put the top down on the convertible. Comforts long dark ponytails playfully danced with the breeze. Once again, the girl did not notice the red light until it was too late. “What the fuck is that smell girl?” ask Comfort. “What smell?” her friend replied. The girls both notice the light and Brandy tries to find the next exit. She finally pulls off to rural area and stops the car. All the girls could see was corn for miles and some livestock. “Are you fucking k**ding me Brandy?” Comfort screams. Brandy steps out of the ride and she pops the hood of the car. Smoke rolls off the engine and into Brandy’s face. The girls were beginning to panic. They were out in the middle of W.V. with no gas station in sight. “What the fuck are we suppose to do now babe.” Comfort asks. The girls decided to rest for a second and do a quick change of clothing to help ease the heat. Brandy found some Daisy Duke cut offs and a halter-top. Comfort put on white booty shorts and a pink bikini top. Sweat was beginning to pour down their faces as the minutes went on. Just then, they heard the sound of a pickup truck coming down the desolate road. Inside of the truck was a burly man that stood about 6’5 and 220 lbs. He slowed the truck down and pulled off to the side to assist the beautiful women. “Hey do you ladies need any help?” the nice farmer asks. The girls were a little frightened by the man’s large stature but they thought he looked friendly. “Yes sir, my car seems to be running hot.” Brandy explains. The farmer looks under the hood and fiddles around with a few things. He wipes his brow, scratches his head, and begins to speak. “You girls are in a jam I tell ya.You Escort Bayan see it’s Sunday and everything is closed. I can offer you a place to stay for tonight if that’s what ya need. Then in the morn I will take you gals to nearest station to get that vehicle worked on.” The two were stuck in between a rock and a hard place. They decided to take the farmer up on his offer. “Just jump in the back of the truck and I will take ya to the house. The girls looked at each other smiled nervously and gathered their bags from the car. They threw the luggage on the back of the pickup and they followed. “Girl I hope this dude ain’t any serial killer.” Comfort whispers. Brandy’s eyes expanded and nodded her head. The farmer finally pulled up in front of the house. It was large and the usual barn color red. He came to the back of the truck and helped the two girls out the bed. “By the way my name is Mike.” He tells the sexy pair. “Thanks for all your help Mr. Mike.” The girls tell him. “Not Mr. Mike just Mike.” He says. They followed him into the house and upstairs to where they would be sharing a room for the night. “My wife will be home directly. Don’t worry I will call her and explain your problem. She is a very understanding woman. That’s why I love her.” He rattles off. The women talk and try to deal with their situation and get all cleaned up. While they were in the shower farmer Mike decided to go out to the barn for a bit. He hadn’t finished his daily chores for the day. He gathered up some haystacks and placed about eight of them side by side. He sat down from exhaustion to gather his thoughts. His mind began to wonder about the two hot women he just picked up. He noticed Brandy’s beautiful face and the big tits that stuck out from the halter-top. Then he started thinking about the chocolate goddess that was going to be sleeping in his house. His cock became aroused as his thoughts continued. He thought about Comfort’s small waist and her phat ass. He had never been with a black woman before. The more he thought about it the harder his cock became. He pulled his cock out from his overalls and began to stroke it. His mind was miles away in smut land. He was imagining the women naked and kissing each other. Oh how that would be entertaining for the sweet ole farmer. By this time, the girls were finished they wondered what was taking Mike so long. They ventured out on the farmland until they came to the barn. They could hear some groans, grunts, and someone mumbling. They stuck their heads in and off to the side, on top of the haystack sat farmer Mike. He had his cock in hand and a dumbfounded look on his face. “Is he doing what I think he is doing?” Brandy whispers. “Girl he is choking his chicken.” Comfort giggles. The girls step a little closer so they could hear what he was saying. “That’s it girls suck my big cock. You like this ole farmer’s cock don’t ya?” he mumbles. The girls giggled and continued to watch. They were amazed by the size and thickness of the old man’s penis. “Shit girl his cock makes me want to jump on it. It’s so big and hard and now I am horny as hell. “Comfort complains. She and Brandy stood there checking out the farmer. Suddenly Comfort springs from behind the horse stall. She startles Mike and he stopped jerking immediately. “What’s the problem Mike? Don’t be embarrassed. You see I believe in helping people too. Since you helped us out by giving us a place to sleep, then I think it is only right that we return the favor.” Brandy looked a little confused and so did farmer Mike. Bayan escort Comfort gave Brandy a wink and walked over to the farmer. Comfort knelt down and removed the farmer’s rough hand off his cock. She began to stroke it slowly, while looking up into his eyes. The gentle giant eyes began to roll back and beads of sweat crept down his forehead. Brandy didn’t want to be excluded so she pulled Comfort’s freshly changed skirt up and began licking her juicy ass. Comfort looked back in approval and went back to sucking and stroking the farmer’s cock. Mike felt like he was dreaming. ‘Things like this just don’t happen around these parts,” he thought. He grabs the top of Comfort’s head and begins shoving it down on his massive dick. She begins to gag as she tries to take all 10 inches in. Brandy buries her face even deeper inside Comforts cocoa cunt. Comfort grinds her ass back and forth feeding it to Brandy. All the farmer could hear was the gagging and gurgling sounds from the two. Comfort raises her head and invites Brandy to dine on the farmer’s fat prick. Brandy wasted no time on gobbling down his stiff cock. “Have you ever had any black pussy baby? I bet once you taste this shit, you will be a chocolate lover for life.” She exclaims. On that note, Comfort spread her thighs across his goat-t and began to move her hips in a fashion that he wasn’t familiar. He dug his tongue deep into her tight twat and let it worm its way as far as it could go. “Damn! You good ole boys know how to eat some fucking pussy!” screams Comfort. The farmer ignored her rant and kept on eating out her juicy cunt. Meanwhile Brandy had made a meal out of his cock. She swallowed his spit-covered cock all the way down to the nuts. Every time she came up to the head, she would use her hand to give it a long gentle stroke. The veins were bulging on the sides and the mushroom was almost purple in color. The farmer had bit off more than he could chew. “Mmmm thank you Farmer Mike. Thank you for a place to stay and this big cock of yours.” Brandy says greedily. The hungry women were sucking and fucking the ole farmer into Utopia. The farmer felt Brandy move her mouth from his cock. He soon felt a heat engulf his cock. The feeling caught his attention immediately. He took a quick peek to see Brandy sitting on his cock. She had managed to shove the huge monstrosity all the way in. She cried out with such emotion that Comfort thought she was hurt. She turned around only to see Brandy settling down on the Farmers big dick. “Girl is the dick that fucking good?” Comfort asks. Brandy could hardly keep her composure. “Oh, Oh Oooo fuck Comfy. This cock is what my sweet young pussy needed.” She began pumping her pussy up and down on the big man. She was thrusting so hard that she was becoming hysterical. “Oh Dammit! That’s it baby! Fuck this pussy!” Brandy yells. Comfort was in her own little world, fucking the farmers face with her pussy. “Girl this shit was fate! I love how he eats my pussy!” She grinded so hard that he was almost afraid she would break his nose. The farmer was speechless at this point. He had two sexy bitches fucking the hell out of him. If only his ole friends could see him now. Streams of cum ran down the farmer’s cock as Brandy fucked the shit out of him. Her back was arched his hands in place on her ass and he was there for a ride of a lifetime. “I need that dick girl! It’s my turn.” Comfort tells her friend. Brandy crawls off of his cock and holds it out for her bestie to suck. “Girl, how do I taste?” Brandy asks.”Delish Escort baby.” Replies Comfort. Brandy still had a handful of the farmers cock as Comfort eased her pussy upon it. Comfort bit her lip as the farmer grabbed her tiny waist to help her adjust. “Fuck your pussy is so damn tight gal!” Mike admits. He maneuvered her to fit his huge member. He wrapped his large arms around her waist and shoved her down. Comfort let out a cry of discomfort as he plowed his prick deeper into her honey pot. Mike could feel his cock expand her walls, as the fuck grew more intense. Brandy crawled on top of the haystack and licked Mike’s face. “Comfort I can taste your sweet cunt on his lips. I can’t wait to taste you for myself.” Brandy tossed her leg across his face and closed her eyes, as he licked her pussy. She did a slow grind on him, while his tongue flickered over her already protruding clit. Comfort was making her ass clap all over the farmer’s fat cock. He was digging the way she fucked his cock. She knew how to work her ass all over that dick of his. He curled his toes with each movement of her pussy. He could feel her cunt muscles tighten on his cock as she rocked his world. “That’s it baby! Fuck this black pussy! You ole muthafucka you!” Comfort cries. She was at the point of no return as Mike put the power driver on her sexy black ass. She was throwing her hips uncontrollably; sweat rolling down her body her ponytails stuck to her tits as they continued to fuck. Brandy managed to lean over and plant a sensual kiss on Comfort’s lips as they both grinded away on the farmer.”Awwww shit!” screams comfort as she can hardly catch her breath. The tree of them stood up and kissed each other. The two girls crawled back onto the haystacks in the doggie position. They were side by side kissing and fondling each other’s tits. Brandy reaches over and begins to rub Comfort’s wet twat. She sticks her fingers inside and sucks the excess juice off her fingers. Comfort returns the favor before Farmer Mike starts to poke his cockhead into her ass. “Holy Shit! Eeeooowww!” Comfort let out a scream to wake the dead. She wasn’t use to anal but it was a little too late for that now. Brandy came to assist him on his efforts to ass fuck her friend. She pulled his cock out to spit and suck all over the length. Mike moaned in pleasure as she nearly choked on the size. She carefully pushed the head back in, as he grabbed Comforts tiny waist to pull her back on his cock. When Comfort got use to the donkey dick, she began to move with ease. She often looked back in his eyes as she threw her ass back on him. “Make it clap like the strippers do!” Mike chants in his country accent. Brandy positioned herself in a 69 under Comforts body. She and Comfort began licking each other like two k**s fighting over a sucker. The three were so involved in their fuckery that they didn’t even hear Farmer Mike’s ole lady pull up. She got out of the car and headed to the house. She yelled for her beloved husband but he was nowhere to be found. “I bet he is in the barn, ole fart.” She walked out of the house and made her way to the barn. She could hear the a****ls making a commotion but she figured he was feeding them late. She walked inside to find the farmer and two bitches getting it on in the bails of hay. “So this is how we welcome our guest Hun?” She shouts. The fucking didn’t stop at that point. The three were so involved that they didn’t even notice her. She stood in front of the three and began to strip off her clothes. She pecked her husband on the shoulder and scared the shit out of him. “Sasha! What are you doing?” Mike asks confused. “I’m fixing to show these nice girls some hospitality babe.” Sasha explains. Sasha dropped to her knees and opened up Mike’s ass to receive her tongue. …. To be continued.

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