Biking Ch. 02

Oca 18, 2025 // By:admin // No Comment

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Big Tits

Julie started getting dressed for her ride this morning. She couldn’t believe what had happened so far. First off she found a riding partner. That was a good thing. Wasn’t it? She reflected on that as she was getting dressed. Was it a good thing? She went over her clothing again. Black biking shorts. Check. Black lycra t-shirt. Check. White sports bra. Check. Socks. Check. Shoes. Check. Panties? No panties. She reflected on that again. She hadn’t gone without panties in how long? What had come over her? Why did she ever make those dares? Why did she peel off her panties in the parking lot? Why didn’t she put any on when she got home? Simple answer, she masturbated three times in the past day. The thought of what happened to her turning her on in such a way that she never deemed possible. And now she was gearing up to go for another ride with Katherine. She hoped this one would be a little more civilized. Maybe pass on the dares. Or, then again, maybe not. This was such a wonderful feeling flowing through her again dampening pussy. No time for that. She had to get to the rendezvous point right away.

Julie got to the park a good 15 minutes before Katherine did again. She was stretched and ready to go. Katherine undid her bike and looked Julie over. “How was your afternoon yesterday?” she asked with a wicked grin.

“Alright,” Julie was able to chock out.

“And you are keeping your word today, right?” Katherine asked still grinning.

“Of course, I am. Why do you want to check?” Julie quipped. What did she just say? Was she just offering to show her pussy to Katherine? No. She was being witty. That’s what she was. Witty. Besides, Katherine would trust her.

“Well, I wasn’t going to, but now that you mention it. Let me see,” commanded Katherine.

Julie stood before her, mesmerized. It was happening again. Why did she have to try to be witty? Why couldn’t she just settle for nice? Julie stood before Katherine and she could feel the gaze staring at her. She put her hands on her hips and began to lower her shorts. She pulled them down slowly, peeling them down to her knees and then stood straight up again. Her pussy was exposed to the open elements. The cool air on her dampness felt so good. Katherine took in the view of her hairy pussy, and noted the dampness in the bottom of Julie’s shorts. She smiled. “You did well,” she commented as she continued to get ready.

Julie was so caught cihangir escort off guard that she stood there a moment before pulling up her shorts. Her face went red with embarrassment at her casualness of standing there with her shorts down. Once she was dressed again, she mounted her bike. They were getting ready to take off when Katherine started off the conversation. “So, shall we change the game today? Make it more interesting?”

“I don’t know if I can handle more interesting,” Julie replied, unsure what Katherine had in mind.

“How about if play strip racing. The loser at each point will have to remove an article of clothing. What do you think?” Katherine asked as they began to pick up speed.

No! No way in hell. I’m not going to let you strip me. I don’t want to end up naked on my bike. I’m already an article down. Julie thought. But replied, “Well, I guess we could do that.” Was she stupid? Why would she agree to this?

“Alright, loser loses an item of clothing at each checkpoint. Since we have 4 points and you only have 3 articles, you’d better hope that you beat me at least once today, else you will owe me a dare on top of your nudity,” Katherine said very matter of fact, with a huge smile on her face.

The continued to ride and talk, and when Julie kicked up the pace, Katherine passed her to win the first leg. “Let’s have the shirt, Julie” Katherine said as she pulled over to the side of the road.

Julie stopped beside her. Could she do this? It was a quiet morning. She did it yesterday. But she didn’t want to make it a habit of losing her clothes. Besides, she couldn’t afford to lose all of them today. And she won the first one yesterday. She ran these things through her mind as she slowly peeled off her tight black top, revealing her breasts encased in her tight white sports bra with a zipper front. Her nipples were again rock hard, and dampness forming in her shorts. Why did she have these feelings? She began to put the shirt in her bag when Katherine held out her hand for the clothing. “Winner’s keepers,” she said grinning broadly. Julie reluctantly handed over her shirt and mounted back up again. This could be a very revealing ride if she didn’t start doing better.

They continued on the ride, Katherine stealing glances at Julie in her tight sports bra and tight black shorts. She looked so cute in them. How would she look out fulya escort of them? They continued to ride until they came to the halfway point, with Katherine kicking in high gear and beating Julie once again.

“Let’s have your bra, Jules” Katherine commanded.

Could she do this? This is all that she has kept hidden from Katherine so far. And they only met a mere 24+ hours ago. This can’t be happening, can it? She reached up and unzipped her bra, letting it fly open and revealing her pert breasts and erect nipples to Katherine. She slid the bra off one shoulder, then the other, and then proceeded to cover her breasts with her arms crossed. Katherine smiled at her modesty. “It’s going to be hard riding and winning in that pose, but if you want to try, go for it,” she said with a triumphant smile.

Julie uncrossed her arms and let her tits feel the cool air on her nipples, making them even harder, if that were possible. She got back up on her bike and began to ride. Her breasts swayed in the open. She felt weird riding with no support, but it also served to help keep her cool. Katherine struck up the conversation again as if nothing were odd about the pair. They continued talking and riding until they came up to the midway point again. Julie tried to ride as fast as she could, but it was to no avail as Katherine again beat her to the point. Julie just kept riding a bit, not sure if she could stop. Katherine pulled over and cleared her throat. “Um, Julie, I think you are forgetting something,” she said with yet a bigger grin.

No, I can’t do this. No way. Go take a hike. I’m not stripping naked for you. I can’t let you win. You’ve seen me already. You can’t expect me to ride naked. “Alright,” was all Julie could say as she turned around and pulled over. She looked up at Katherine, who without a word just nodded and she put her hands on her hips. Could she do this? Could she strip naked? She wouldn’t be naked. She still has on her shoes and socks. But, essentially she will be naked. And why is the thought of that making her pussy so wet. She can’t like this, can she?

She slowly reached down and began to slide her shorts down her smooth milky thighs. She got her shorts down to her knees and realized she needed to sit down. She sat right in the gravel on the shoulder of the road and pulled her shorts over first one shoe, then the other. She was so wet. How could florya escort she be so excited? Her face was beet red. She stood up and wiped the gravel from her bare behind as she handed the shorts to her friend.

“Turn around,” Katherine commanded. Julie slowly rotated, giving her friend yet another good look at her naked form. Once she turned around and began to remount her bike. It felt so weird getting on a bike seat naked. This was not right. But she was so turned on and wet; she was surprised she could focus on peddling at all. This is so different. So stimulating. She began to peddle but couldn’t help but focus on her situation and how it was turning her on. She continued to ride, but the motion only stimulated her further, until she realized that if she kept going she was going to have an orgasm on her bike. She was peddling slowly, and Katherine was just watching. She could see the look of fear and joy and concern and lust on Julie’s face. Just then Julie let out a huge moan as she began to twitch. She was having an orgasm right there on her bike. Julie did her best to maintain her balance, trying not to ride the orgasm and focus more on riding her bike, but the feeling of joy overtook her. She trembled as she brought her bike to a halt on trembling knees.

“Now that you have that out of your system, let’s finish our ride,” Katherine said with a large grin of satisfaction on her face.

Julie tried to compose herself and managed to get back up on the bike and begin to ride again, but her seat was so wet. She was so embarrassed. How could she do that in front of her friend? How could she end up naked like this? And where will it all end?

They continued to ride, a slower pace now, to the finish point, which Katherine once again won the final race. They dismounted their bikes and Julie tried to catch her breath, sitting naked in the grass, the grass tickling her still wet pussy and bare ass.

“Well, looks like you owe me one,” Katherine said as she loaded up her bike. “I was going to have you get yourself off back here if I beat you, but looks like you have already done that, so we’ll leave it as you owe me a dare sometime. I’ll call and give it to you on the phone.”

Julie looked up at her, too dazed to even comment. Then she realized Katherine was getting into her car. “Wait, my clothes,” Julie hollered. Katherine just smiled and closed her car door. She rolled her window down.

“Winner’s keepers!” she smiled, as she backed up her car and began to pull away.

Julie sat there, realizing she had to get back to her apartment, in just the clothes she had on, which was nothing. Well, she did pack a pair of panties to put on at the end of the ride. Well, it was something.

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