Britney Ch. 41: Tara Wrist
Oca 18, 2025 // By:admin // No Comment
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“1816 Sycamore Circle. This must be the place.”
Tara Zellers had reached her destination after following hand written directions. Alone in her Mother’s Subaru Outback she pulled up to the curb of the Cul-de-sac. There were two houses next to the address. One on each side of it. The home she eyed belonged to English Lit Teacher “Trevor Stein”. The front inside door was wide open with only the exterior door keeping anyone out. The bi-level home had a two car garage which contained a mini van and a medium sized car. Both were in sight with the garage door wide open.
“You can do this Tara. His plans aren’t that over the top.” She fans her hands upon the steering wheel.
Wearing her white bikini as requested, the very same one worn at the Charity car wash. It covered what was necessary but not much more. With a quick glance in her rearview mirror to make certain her make-up was adequate she primped at her long blond curls. Today her hair flowed beautifully over her shoulders instead or her normal pinned back state. She was gorgeous. Her blue eyes helped to delight any onlooker.
Dropping her gaze to her legs she reached down to adjust the thigh high rainbow socks that she had purchased for just this occasion. Trevor wanted her to wear long socks and she intended to give him a day to remember.
Before leaving her vehicle Tara took a moment to text her friend Britney to let her know that she had arrived. There was no answer forthcoming which disappointed her but at that same time her fearless leader was in Church. Riding her High School Principal. The girl had no shame.
“Fine! Don’t answer me.”
Another text led to her friend Cryssa. This time she got a reply.
“Choosing my dress for my Poppy Bear. He should be here any minute. Good luck with Stein.” Cryssa wrote.
Tara typed back, “You too. Don’t get busted in the bar.”
Furthering her assurance that everyone was committed to the Lottery challenge Tara made two more texts to her fellow Cheerleaders, “Sophia” and “Dawn.”
Dawn immediately returned a reply with, “Just finished up. I made a new friend.”
This was followed by a selfie of Dawn and her acquaintance “Kimber”. Tara chuckled. Both girls were topless.
“You go girl.” Tara giggled.
Before texting further Sophia wrote back, “Nervous. I’m meeting Coach Dawson at his lake house. Middle of nowhere. I still have a few hours before I head out. You doing okay?”
“I’m nervous too. Sitting outside Stein’s house now. I’ll text you after I’m done.”
Sophia wonders, “Rainbow socks hot looking?”
“Yeah. For Shits and Skittles.” She laughs then finishes her text, “I guess he must want to role play. I’m the rainbow and he the Leprechaun. Have fun with Dawson if you leave before I do. Bye.”
One final reply, “Bring me back a four leaf clover, Lucky. Cya!”
Placing her cell in the glove box to avoid the direct sunlight Tara takes a deep breath and exits her car. Kicking her shoes off she tosses them on to the backseat floor board. She chose to walk in without them for a dancer’s effect. Shutting the door she skips like a child all the way up Stein’s sidewalk. At the door she rings the doorbell. Shortly after she hears Trevor Stein call out, “Come on In. Doors unlocked.”
Nibbling her lower lip she opens the screen door and enters. She immediately felt a breeze drift over her from all of his opened windows. The backside of his property was wide open spaces offering no wind break. Enjoying its caress over her flesh she feels her nipples perk up and give her a rash of goosebumps. Blue eyes brighten as she takes the initiative to search for Stein. Hearing a radio playing up the single flight of stairs and to the left she marched upstairs. At the top she peers around a corner to find Stein sitting on his sofa with his feet perched atop a large coffee table. He was reading a hardback book.
“Reading Romeo and Juliet, Trevor?”
He bookmarks his page and closes the cover, “No. Actually I was refreshing myself with “Don Quixote”
“Oh, about that crazy guy who battles windmills?” She sways her arms side to side shyly.
“Close enough. You look exquisite.” He eyes her curves.
With eyes lowered she blushes, “I found the rainbow socks.”
“I see that. Well done. I’ve fancied seeing you in such attire. When you run track at school I imagine you dressed like this.”
She looks up swiftly, “That would be awkward. No wonder the Javelins go flying at me.”
“By javelins I suspect you mean erections?”
“Sure! Why not.” She giggles wrinkling her nose slightly.
He motions her to sit down on the coffee table in front of him. Moving his own legs to give her plenty of room. She complied with a skip toward him that let to her plopping down playfully. Her rainbow knees fanning back and forth from closed to opened wide. Her eyes dancing for his approval.
Hissing in thought Stein merely watches her, “Britney Spears with a lollipop. You are erotic as hell.”
“No Lollipop yet. I’m hopeful though.” She bats her lashes bahçelievler escort vividly.
“You girls sure know how to party.”
“We’re having fun.”
“Do you really want to be here?” He fidgets.
“I have no choice. You won me in the lottery. But, yes I do. I won’t deny I’m nervous. I’ll get over it. You should too. I will obey anything you want from me.”
She reaches forward and plants her palms on his knees, “Anything.”
He puckers with a bit of egotism. He knew she wouldn’t back down from her challenge. Having known her in the past to be a force to reckon with on the track and field. Her athletic prowess led to a tight muscular body. Add to this her feminine pride over appearance led to perfecting her hair and make-up. Her chest poised and perky an added bonus.
“Shall we get started then Delilah?” He winks.
Wincing at the name he calls her she shrugs lightly, “Delilah?”
“Yes. Samson’s Delilah. The seductress whom betrayed Samson and had his head shaved by the Philistines. He lost his mighty strength afterwards.” “How do I fit her? I haven’t betrayed you and I never will. What we do today is our secret. Not shaving you either. Unless of course you order me too.”
“What I meant was that I will lose my strength to your feminine wiles. I’ve admired you awhile now. Quite seductive I must say.”
“I never considered myself seductive but thanks.”
“At any rate. Let us begin.” He sighs.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Remove your top and crawl into my lap.”
She eyes him with brilliant blue eyes and a sheepish grin. Reaching behind her she unties her top removing it. For his viewing pleasure danced her perky young breasts. Areolas bright pink with aroused nipples. She jiggled them for his amusement. Casting her top on to the sofa she slips forward into his lap. Her legs to both sides of his own. Resting her thighs over his bulging crotch she throws her arms about his neck. Without blinking she looks deeply into his eyes awaiting his approval.
“Good Lord. You are intoxicating.”
“Can I kiss you Mister Stein?”
“Can I kiss you Trevor?”
He answered with advancing lips to meet with hers. The kiss was warm wet and tender. This led to a lengthy devotion of tongue. His hands caressing her back from neckline to butt. She trembled at the ticklishness of his delicate fingertips. It made her feel desired. She certainly was.
For the next five minutes their mouths devoured each other with passion. What came next startled them both. The doorbell rang from the landing below. Pausing to stare at each other Tara displayed a glint of worry. Trevor however smirked.
“Would you be so kind as to answer the door?” Trevor fidgeted.
Reaching for her top he cleared his throat stopping her retrieval.
“Dressed as you are.”
Her eyes erupt with dread.
“Expecting company?” She whispered.
“I am. Hurry back.” He pats her ass to force her to abandon his lap. The journey was cautious as the front door had been left open. Trevor’s guest could see all the way up the staircase. As she bounced down the steps she spotted a man Trevor’s age eying her approach with lust.
Opening the interior door she offers, “Hello.”
“What have we here?” The Man sizes her up.
From upstairs they both hear Trevor call out.
“Bring my Brother upstairs. Show him that he is welcome here.”
Tara bites her lower lip then reaches out to curl fingers into his belt buckle. Easing over it into the front of his slacks she turns and leads him closely up the stairs. All the way back to Trevor in his seat.
“Tara? This cad is my Brother “Tennyson”. Named after the Poet.”
She beguiles Tennyson with a craned grin and offers him a seat next to Trevor. She had a hunch that this was planned. Not that it mattered. She was enjoying herself. Her nerves were becoming steel.
“This young lady is stunning Trevor. You certainly weren’t lying.”
She resumes her seat in Trevor’s lap and returns her arms around his neck. This led to another round of kissing. In their intended passion Trevor reached out and grabbed Tennyson’s hand and guided it to her leg. Once his palm touched her the Brother took over and rubbed her leg and hip. Tara let it happen without so much as a reluctant shiver of denial.
“Soft.” Tennyson compliments her even though she was busy. He chose to move his hand to her butt cheek rubbing it in a circular motion. Fingertips coyly slithering beneath her bottoms.
Ten minutes expire before the kiss is broken once more. Another ringing of the doorbell makes Tara squint suspiciously toward Trevor. He chuckles lightly.
“Remove your bottoms then answer my door. Invite Him in.”
She stands up and twists to face her backside toward the seated Romeo’s. Leaning forward she slowly lowers her bottoms over her cheeks to tantalize them. Her crack appearing more and more. Her clam shaped pussy popping into view. Bending lower the kayaşehir escort bottoms found her toes and escaped. She took one second longer to reach her right hand between her legs to trail amid her glossy labia. Pressing within to disappear for their amazement. It was then she stood up and walked away.
Both men looked at each other with whistling exhales.
Tara trotted back downstairs and was met with another Man. This man was slightly younger she thought. Opening the door she again welcomes the guest, “Hi.”
“My! Aren’t you a work of Art.”
“Thank you.” She twists in step to let him view her entirety. Again she curls her fingers beneath his stomach to drag his slacks along like she had Tennyson’s. Up the stairs they went. Leading him into the den of Lions. Trevor brightened up.
“Timothy. Glad you could make it. Tara? My youngest Brother Timothy.”
Tara says nothing merely guiding him to Trevor’s opposite side. Seated the brothers sat hip to hip. Once again Tara crawls into Trevor’s lap. Her chest poised for inspection she leaves her hands at her sides this time around. With a pouty look toward Trevor she awaits his palms to rise before her and gently squeeze her tits. She whimpers at his touch.
Tennyson resumes his rubdown of her hip, looking around her at Tim to encourage his brother. Snickering the man shook his head and went in for the kill. Hands were all over her now. She was loving every second of it.
Eying Tara with a glare of control Trevor ponders aloud, “Do you think we would be more comfortable with our pants off?”
She agrees with a playful nod that was childlike and needy.
This response nudged the Brothers to stand and abandon their shoes then their pants and underwear. Only their shirts remained. Tara took turns admiring their wagging erections. Moving from side to side she nibbles at her lower lip with anticipation. Once Tim and Tennyson were seated and stroking themselves for a stiffer appearance, Tara reaches down between her legs and unhooks Trevor’s belt. This continued with unzipping his fly before standing up. Kneeling before him she peels his slacks down over upraised hips. Over his socks they went. Followed by encouraged boxers. Before her eyes were the 3 Wise Men. Ready for action.
She gets comfy on her knees between Trevor’s legs and begins rubbing her palms along his upper thighs. Fondling his scrotum with a tender expression she marvels at his bountiful fullness. An averted glance toward the others found similar bulges of contained reservoirs.
Planning out her strategy she opts to prepare them through sensual tenderness. Her left cheek glides up Trevor’s thigh and she admires his cock with an unblinking gaze. Her nose tickling at his foreskin. He removes his hand and allows her the freedom to do as she pleased. His vacancy led to soft caresses of her face along it’s length and girth. Her blond curls hiding him at times as her exhales pelted his shaft. Then came her light kisses from crown down to his balls. Nibbles replaced the pecks. Tugs to his balls forced Trevor to lay back in his seat and cross his arms behind his head. This would be her show for now.
A long swath of her tongue carefully glides over his ball sack directly up his seven inch serpent and reaches the crown with a wagging flick of her tongue. He had to shiver with excitement.
To both sides of her Tennyson and Tim continued massaging their own seven irons. All of them had similar size and length. Brothers indeed. She took moments to watch them while attending to Trevor. Her tongue never leaving him even when her gaze met the Brothers. They observed her eyes intently. Taunting. Teasing. Tempting them.
Finally, her hands fanned away from Trevor and slither up the legs of his Brothers. Her touch making both men release their grips and watch her sensual approach. The closer her fingers came to their cocks she withdrew to torment them. Her main focus on licking Trevor and keeping him happy.
Her hands were alive upon their flesh. Creeping through body hair and over boney legs. None of them were fit. Rather thin actually. Regardless of appearance she accepted them for who they were. Her friend Britney would be proud.
Planting her chin on Trevor’s balls with his cock pointed high across her face she hesitated making him look directly at her. With his gaze locked she allowed her hands to stalk forward until her fingers surround both of his Brother’s pulsing peckers. Grip established she began jerking them both off. In her endeavor the Men joined Trevor settling back with their arms behind their heads as his were. The show had begun.
Tara licked skyward once again while rising higher on her knees to accommodate the distance. Her mouth opens wide and devours Trevor’s cock. Feverishly she sucks the length deep into her throat. Back up for air. Her eyes greedy and dedicated to his gaze upon her. She refused to blink. He was a happy man.
With each inhalation she swallowed him and began her journey back and forth. Up şirinevler escort and down. All the while her hands maintained a steady rhythm in jacking off his Brothers. Her moans escalate. Their groans embracing her friction. With dryness came Tara leaving Trevor only long enough to spit on each of their dicks for lubrication. Time and time again this was needed to fulfill her mission. In between she would return more forcefully to Trevor’s desires.
Tiring she did her best to continue on until Tim reaches his peak and tenses up. Scalding hot cum froths over his crown and across her knuckles. She relentlessly continued her assault letting him grunt loudly and polish off his reserves over his lap.
Tennyson followed soon after in a massive fireworks display. His cum shot high and landed all over his polo shirt. Her left hand coated and defiant of releasing him. With each detonation Tara rose higher in her poise to swallow Trevor deeper into her throat. It was fortunate that she had her tonsils removed as a child. Her hunger intense and noisy.
Shamelessly Trevor held out longer to see if she would give up on his Brothers. Now that they had expired he presumed she would let them go and concentrate on him. To his surprise she continued massaging their beasts with straining wrists. She was tired but she was also on a mission. Never give up.
Trevor had to puff his cheeks and release. With a deafening roar he floods her mouth with a pond of whiteness. She wheezes and whimpered at her unexpected arrival. With a loud gasp she releases his cock from her open jaw. Watching his twitching crown spew upward over her nose and brow. Droplet after droplet pelted her face. There appeared to be no end in sight. Her cheeks turned from side to side expectantly. Each time she accumulated more.
Her hands had slowed slightly on Tim and Tennyson. As Trevor ended his rain her grip returned. Within minutes both men were straining to detonate a second time. As they grew closer Tim lifted himself from his seat and took over for her. Stroking his own cock he fires away over her face. The paint was pouring thick.
Tennyson not to be left out followed his Brother’s idea and propped himself up to add another coat. Tara was lily white. Her hair beaded with droplets. She had refrained from swallowing Trevor until the deeds were done. In favor of displaying her mouthful of milk. She craved the respect of these men. Offering each a look down her throat she frothed her lips then sucked the cum down. Licking her lips and using her freed up fingers to scoop up cum and succulently lick her fingers dry. In the moments the three Brother’s had to regain their breathing she had cleaned herself off and had eaten every drop she had found. Going so fair as to lick her hair brought forth to locate beads.
Trevor exhaled a sigh of release then reached forward to grab Tara by her biceps. Pulling her up into his lap he drags her into a hug. The embrace was warm and tender. Hands trailing her spine for another round of ticklish shivers. She sighs on his shoulder.
“That was pretty incredible Delilah.” Trevor huffs.
“I’m glad I could help.” She whispers back.
Gaining energy Trevor cradles her upper body and attempts to stand. With an assist by his Brothers he eases forward and lays her on his coffee table. Standing over her he pries her legs wide and poses her rainbow socks at a distance from one another.
“Now, for the treasure at the Rainbow’s end.”
He straddles over her and guides his cock up for a tender penetration. In and out ever so slowly. Each time Tara’s eyes flared wide at the sensation taunting her G-spot. Again and again. Her body quaking at his respect.
“Do you want to cum for us Delilah?”
“Yes Samson.” She pouts with a pleading expression.
He withdraws his cock from her pinkness and eyes the tunnel he had vacated. It retracted then gaped wide once more with each heaving breath she took. Her chest lively as she pinched her nipples for her own enjoyment. The group admired her muscle control.
Snapping his fingers then reaching for her hand she agreed. Letting him place her fingers on her clitoral arena. He then dropped back into his seat to watch. Taking the hint Tara began massaging herself. Her opposite hand joining her enthusiasm. Two fingers dip inside her. Dainty as they were she added a third shortly thereafter. Her gaze locked on to Trevor as he and his Brothers watched intently.
Moans revealed themselves. Followed by whimpers of sensitive delight. Her rainbow toes curling in the held high suspension. Tim decides to move closer and claims her left foot. His mouth opens and he eases her toes to his lips. Even covered by the sock he enjoyed sucking on them. Tennyson took note and commanded her other foot to his own mouth. Tara was quaking at the sight. It turned her on even more. She absorbs their expressions of yearning and feeds off of them. This increases her desires to cum and cum hard.
Trevor reaches between his Brother’s blockade and rolls his hands along her inner thighs. His thumbs sinking in around her own fingers. She felt their entry beneath her own fingers and began taking deep breaths. There were five fingers prying her pussy wide. Tensing at their advance she turned beet red. Trevor maintained his gaze with a look of stern expectation. How could she deny him? Easy answer.She couldn’t. Wouldn’t.
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