Casey’s Fall Ch. 20
Oca 18, 2025 // By:admin // No Comment
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Casey lay in bed taking stock of last night’s events. Not only had she presented herself naked in front of her friends but Jolene had forced her to masturbate to orgasm in front of them as well. It should have been the mother of all disasters yet somehow it had turned out ok. How was that even possible? Cassandra had said it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen and Jolene had said something about how everyone saw her as beautiful, yet Casey thought that what she had done had been vulgar and shameful. Her friends should have been disgusted and turned away from her, but for some reason they’d done the opposite. Even Cassandra should have taken the opportunity to mock her mercilessly, but for some reason she appeared to have been touched instead. Was Casey somehow Aphrodite incarnate and had goddess-like powers over people or some shit? She certainly didn’t feel like a goddess. She just felt like an ordinary girl put into extraordinary and embarrassing circumstances against her will.
She decided there was no sense in any of it and she had little choice than to just accept her new “normal” and get up to prepare Jolene’s breakfast.
Jolene emerged as the coffee started brewing.
“That smells delicious Casey. How did you sleep?”
“Oh, fine I guess. I still don’t understand why last night turned out ok,” Casey replied.
“Don’t worry. Just accept it and run with it,” Jolene said. “Like I said, a pretty girl can practically get away with murder, and you have what it takes to pull it off.”
“But I had no clothes on and masturbated right in front of them! How could they accept that?”
“Well, I guess no dude is ever going to complain about something like that and most girls are going to be too startled to say anything,” Jolene explained. “Cassandra was surprising I must admit, but as soon as I saw how she was reacting to the Lush when you brought it out I knew we were going to be ok.”
“Well I didn’t,” Casey countered. “I thought my life was over right there.”
“I’m sorry Casey,” Jolene replied sympathetically. “I wanted to warn you but I thought it was best if I didn’t. It was hard for me too, but we needed to get it all out in the open one way or the other. If we tried to hide it then it would backfire against you once your friends found out you were keeping a secret like that from them, and they would find out sooner or later.”
“Hmm… maybe,” Casey replied, still somewhat sceptical. “Ok, moving forward then, what are we doing today?”
“Actually today there’s a fair bit we need to do,” Jolene answered. “Tomorrow I’ve organised a backyard barbecue with some prospective clients. I’m gonna need you to clean up the backyard and do some mowing and gardening.”
“Oh, who’s coming?” Casey asked.
“Well Mark and Gillian will be there, and there’s about a dozen other people from different agencies and studios looking forward to meeting you. You’re getting quite famous in the porn world.”
Casey groaned at the thought of having to do more porn but she also realised that, like it or not, that was her career now and the greater her success, the higher her standard of living would be under Jolene’s care.
“Have you got a lawn mower? Is it even safe for me to mow in the nude?”
“Yes, it’s in the garden shed out the back. I have some work boots for you to protect your feet. The rest of you should be fine as long as you wear sunblock so you don’t get a sunburn. I’ll do the shopping for tomorrow once you get started.”
Casey put on her work boots, covered herself in sunblock, and found a straw hat and some gardening gloves to wear. Then she surveyed the backyard. The lawn definitely needed cutting and there were a lot of leaves everywhere including all over the back deck. Some of the shrubs needed clipping back too. This was going to take hours but hopefully the work would taksim escort take her mind off her nudity.
And with that she got started.
She thought the first job would be to trim the shrubs, then mow and then finally sweep. That way she wouldn’t mess anything up that she’d already done and have to do it again. She trimmed back the shrubs and put the clippings in a bin Jolene had for green recyclables. Then she commenced mowing. It felt really strange to mow nude and her body was glistening with sweat as she worked but she tried not to think about the spectacle she was making, particularly for any neighbours who might be watching.
She was concentrating so hard on her work she almost didn’t see or hear Jolene waving at her with a cold glass of water.
“Oh yes please!” Casey thought and switched off the mower.
“Thanks Jo. This is hot work,” Casey told her, trying to be friendly and appreciating the cold drink but still not fully forgiving her fully for what she made her do last night.
“It looks it, but I must say you look really cute in your boots and gloves with your body all sweaty.”
“Uh, ok…” Casey replied. She didn’t feel cute. She just felt sweaty and dirty and couldn’t wait to get back into the relative safety of the house and take a shower.
“We might have to hose this deck I think,” Jolene commented while looking at the state of it. “The barbecue is going to need a good scrub as well.”
“What did you end up getting for tomorrow?” Casey asked.
“Oh just some hamburger patties and sausages, plus a couple of cartons of champagne. It should be more than enough I hope.”
“Cool. Sounds nice. Who’s going to be doing the cooking? I might need an apron if it’s me,” Casey said, hoping for any chance to be covered.
“No I’ll do the cooking. I need you looking glamourous so I’ll get you in your heels and serving drinks to everyone.”
Casey didn’t like the idea of being a nude waitress to a bunch of clothed people but she knew that she would have to do it and cope with it no matter how uncomfortable it made her feel. At least these people would be used to the sight of a naked female body so she wouldn’t have shocked reactions to deal with, but she hoped that the time would pass quickly just the same. Being naked was bad enough. Being the only one naked was so humiliating.
She hosed the deck and scrubbed the barbecue. The barbecue was filthy and she somehow ended up with smears of black grease and soot on her body and face, but as she swept out the coals she noticed a small corner of white fabric with part of a red polka dot in the ashes. A tiny part of her dress had survived! Without understanding why, she quickly hid it in her hand and pretended she was going to the bathroom. On the way she dropped into her bedroom and hid it inside a book, before giving the toilet a fake flush and heading back outside to continue her task.
At last Jolene came and looked around the yard before giving a satisfied nod that it was presentable. Then Casey gladly took a shower.
As she was towelling off she could hear voices in the kitchen. Greg had arrived!
“Oh hey baby. How did your game go?” she asked him as she emerged from the bathroom still towelling her hair.
“Great! Yet another win for Bigtown Tech!” he replied. “What have you been up to?”
“I spent most of the morning doing sweaty yard work. We have a client thing on tomorrow here.”
“Oh ok. What time does that start?” Greg asked.
Casey looked at Jolene.
“It’s a lunchtime thing. I wouldn’t expect anyone before eleven o’clock,” Jolene replied.
“That could work. How would you like to go out clubbing with me tonight?” he asked Casey. “Assuming you feel up to it already? But I figure you handled the shopping trip just fine and this will be in etiler escort a dark club so you shouldn’t attract as much attention so we can drink and dance and have a bit of fun. We won’t make it a late one so you’ll back in time for plenty of sleep before tomorrow too.”
Casey’s stomach churned at the idea of dancing naked. It would make her feel like she was a stripper! She needed a way to let Greg down gently.
“What do you think Jolene? I let my webcam fans down last night. Do you think they’d miss me too much if I was away two nights in a row?” Casey asked.
Jolene thought for a moment.
“I have an idea,” she began. “I could come along on your date for an hour or two and live stream you from your phone to your webcam fans for you. I bet they’d love to see you having fun out dancing.”
“What do you think Greg?” Casey asked, secretly praying Greg would hate the idea.
“Um… As long as I don’t have to be naked as well I don’t have a problem with that,” Greg replied. “It might even be kind of fun, like I was on a date with a movie star.”
Double fuck!
“No, you don’t have to be naked,” Jolene laughed. “You’re not even allowed to be. You’d probably get arrested.”
“I was worried there for a sec’,” Greg said with a wink and a laugh. Obviously he had been kidding about being naked as well.
“I’ll take my own car,” Jolene continued. “I’ll only stay an hour or two and then leave you two lovebirds alone.”
They ordered some pizza for dinner and then everyone dressed for clubbing. Well, Casey did her hair and makeup and put on a pair of stilettos, which was the sum total of dressing she was allowed to do now. She loathed the idea of dancing nude in public but hoped Greg was right that it would be dark which would hopefully give her some obscurity.
It was still early when they got to the club so the queue outside was fairly short. Still, every head craned around to look at Casey as she stepped up. The doorman even took the opportunity to unashamedly ogle her which didn’t go unnoticed, but then he waved them through with a smile and they were hit with the sound of dance music pumping as the door opened. There was a surprising amount of people inside already but they were mostly just sitting and talking. As Casey had hoped, the combination of darkness and flashing lights allowed her to escape the usual attention that her nudity earned her. Well, it did for a little while at least.
As they grabbed some stools at a bar table and Greg went to buy them drinks, Casey heard her name being called.
“Casey? Casey Reine? Is that you?”
Casey turned around and was dismayed to see Fiona and Michelle, two girls she shared a class with at Tech.
“Oh hi guys,” Casey replied, trying to pretend nothing was out of the ordinary.
“What are you doing without any clothes on? OMG you’re daring!” Fiona stated.
“Oh yeah,’ Casey replied. “Long story short, I’m a registered nudist now see.”
She held up her wrist to show them the tattoo.
“Holy fuck! I’d never have the courage to do that myself. That’s freaky as fuck. What made you do it?”
“Ahh… well,” Casey began. “It’s kind of a long story but I’d been kind of curious about it for a while and then I got caught experimenting and this was the only way to escape the charges.”
“I heard about that. I heard you got expelled too. Is that right?”
“Well they’re letting me come back now. I start back again on Monday.”
“Well, yes,” Casey answered truthfully. “I can’t do anything about that now even if I wanted to.”
Greg returned with their drinks. Casey also noticed Jolene filming on her phone a short distance away.
“Oh hi girls,” Greg said to Fiona and Michelle. “Sorry I didn’t know you were here or I would’ve offered besiktaş escort to get you a drink while I was up.”
“Oh that’s ok thanks Greg. We’ve got our own. We just came over to say hello. I can’t believe how brave Casey is.”
“Yes, she’s really something,” Greg agreed.
“Hey can we get a selfie? Actually Greg, would you mind?” Fiona requested as she handed her phone to him.
The two girls positioned themselves either side of Casey as she was forced to smile as Greg took the shot. Casey looked around and saw that the activity had attracted quite a bit of interest from people sitting nearby. Great…
“Thanks Greg,” Fiona said as she took her phone back from him. “Props to you Casey. I could never do what you’re doing. Ok, well we’ll leave you to it. See you at Tech next week then. Bye!”
Casey waved the girls off and then noticed Jolene coming in closer and gesturing for her to get on the dance floor. Oh God, the lights were much brighter there, and there weren’t many people dancing. She was going to get noticed. She knew she had to do it though.
“Um… do you wanna dance?” she asked Greg.
“Sure! I thought you’d never ask,” Greg responded, grabbing Casey’s hand and practically dragging her onto the floor.
They danced for a while and Casey felt like she was getting away with it when all of a sudden the lights seemed brighter and the music volume dropped. OMG, there was a spotlight on her and the DJ was speaking about her!
“Ladies and gentleman, we are honoured to have a very special guest with us here this evening. Miss Casey Reine everyone! Casey why don’t you give us a dance?”
“OMG fucking what?” Casey thought in alarm. She looked around and all eyes were on her. She caught Jolene’s attention and she just shrugged like she had nothing to do with it. Everyone was applauding like she was some kind of celebrity and gathered around her in a circle on the dance floor. She wanted to cover herself and run more than anything but her only option was to smile and try to act like she wanted the attention.
Faced with no other choice, she did her best attempt at what she thought was a sexy dance. While she was certainly no dancer, her fit body and long legs with stilettoed feet made up for any shortcomings. Of course Casey didn’t know that. She just felt dorky and very, very naked.
At last the spotlight went off and the DJ put on a slow song. The crowd around her clapped and then went back to their own dancing as Greg moved in took her into a waltz position, which she eagerly accepted and pulled him tightly to her body. At least now her front wasn’t as exposed.
As the song finished they went back to their table and found Jolene there waiting.
“Was that you?” Casey asked Jolene.
“No, I swear I had nothing to do with it, answered Jolene. “I’ve been behind this camera filming you the whole time. I guess you have fans?”
Casey laughed, feigning false modesty, but inwardly she was totally mortified. It was bad enough just having to do all this stuff. It was easy to forget that behind the cameras were countless numbers of people watching her do it and sharing it with their friends. The thought made her feel ill.
“Ok, I have enough footage so I’ll leave you two to it now,” Jolene announced. “Don’t stay out too late Casey. We have a big day tomorrow.”
Greg and Casey stayed on for a few more drinks and even got up to dance once more. They were mostly left alone after the earlier incident and Casey enjoyed being in Greg’s company so much she almost forgot she was naked for a while. Almost…
Later after they got back to Casey’s house, Greg went down on her again in the darkness of her bedroom and she lost herself in it. She felt safe and it felt so intimate compared to what usually passed for sex in her life, putting hard and inanimate objects into herself or spreading wide and debasing herself in front of an audience. Even the orgasm felt different. It felt like her body took control of her genitals rather than the other way around. It was so gentle and they lay holding each other afterwards. Eventually they fell asleep in each other’s arms.
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