Chef… Can we only eat the dessert…?

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Haz 22, 2020 // By:admin // No Comment

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Merhaba sex hikayeleri okuyucuları, derlediğimiz en büyük hikaye arşivini sizlerin beğenisine sunuyoruz.okuyup keyif almak ve sırılsıklam olmak işte tüm mesele bu.

Chef… Can we only eat the dessert…?I am studying culinary and pastry;My teacher is a very handsome mid age man from middle estern. Fit, hairy man, green honey big eyes color; tan skin, very manly and a beautiful bubble butt… I always wanted to see his bulge all time and see the size in first, but the stupid apron always covering…Every time at class, at the beginning he welcomes and assist his students with their tasks during the class… I never try to get his attention and do mistakes… At the time that he was between me to see my work; I feel agitated… The nerves betrayed me and drop something or made me act clumsy; I got his attention and the attention of the whole fucking class…As you know a Culinary Chef or any other instructor will get mad about distractions… One day he was very irritated…YES… I have to stay after class… At the evening the class room was empty and I have to wait for him… He escort me to his private office… It is a lovely office… The smell of his office it was amazing… With a big colection of spices and condiments… I feel in a live dreaming scene…After a long chat about my behavior, my skills and my opportunity areas, that, I did not put attention because I was hypnotized by his beautiful eyes… I made the promise to do my best and apologizing for my behavior, he made me to do home work for practice some specific task and skills… I do not know but the office was very hot… Or was it for me… I took my culinary coat off…He said: Are you OK…? Do you have fever or something…?I wanted to say to him that I want to kiss his whole fucking body; but I just answer with a limited and very respectful: No Chef… I do apologize… I am a hot blooded person; and ask him if it is OK that I took off my coat…He just smile and made an affirmation with his head…He said that he is going to give me a paper task… He took his laptop computer from his portfolio and put it at the desk; he send a file to print and when he stands up it was no apron… I was impressed for the size of his bulge… I imagined the size of that fucking gun with the two big cartridges… Obviously I did not made direct contact… But… I just wanted to have my face between those illegal bahis siteleri legs… DAMN…!At the back of his chair from his desktop is a mirrored display… After he sand up… The reflection of his computer it was visible… THE IMPOSSIBLE HAPPENED…! That manly gentleman that I assumed that he was straight… Made my heart beat painfully… In one of his windows from the reflection of the laptop in the display… It was a GAY DATING SITE for intimate with other men… Very popular one… With a profile without a picture…I WAS IN SHOCK…!He was turning back from the printer and he saw the shelf with the reflection of his laptop… After that he saw me; and look at my facial expression… He assured that I knew… And he was all red… And cute…He did not said nothing but he looks very uncomfortable and ablush… After 30 seconds, he just give me the paper and wish me a good evening…I do not know what happened in me… I always prioritize my obligations; trying to be as sharp with my words and my mind… But that specific moment I took my coat and made a doble entendre message; I MADE MY PLAY before leaving the office:-Sir… You do not have to be worried about nothing… I do have a profile too… And the person that finds you; will be the most lucky and happiest human being to meet you…HE OPENS HIS EYES AS A SURPRISE…!I think that his u*********sness spoke before him at the moment, when he answered:And you…?He denied with his head and saw me with fear… He apologyze and asked me to be prudent with the rest of the class…I invited him a drink…AND HE ACCEPTED….!I was very EXCITED…! I COULD NOT BELIEVE THAT I WAS DATING MY HOT INSTRUCTOR CHEF…We arrange to see eachother in a BAR after we left the facility driving by separate… We do not wanted to be explsed… or both of us would be out of thet fancy school…He is not the type of men that hang out and go to bars and night clubs… But we have a good chat…At the end of the day he said to me:-I do not believe in a long term relationships… And you know what are those sites for… I do honestly think that you are very handsome young man that I would like to know more…I was flattered… And the best youwin thing it was about to begin…He got closer to me and asked me…-Will you feel offended if I can invite you to another place…?TO BE HONEST… I WAS STARTED TO GET HARD… AND I SAW HIS PANTS… AND FOR WHAT I SAW HE WAS TOO…!I made an invitation to my house… And without a problem I said to him that with all privacy we can go… My house was a little far from the school facility… And all the people from the class lives near from there… He paid the bill and before we arrange to went ahead to my house… He needed to go to his house to take a shower… HONESTLY… I WOUL NOT MINDED THAT HE JUST GO DIRECLTY TO MY HOUSE…MY FUCKING HOUSE WAS A LITTLE MESSY IN THE INSIDE BECAUSE I DID CATERING AND PASTRY A DAY PRIOR…It was a lot of chocolate and fruit tartlets…I took a fast shower and the only thing that I did not clean because I heard him calling me… I unlock the door from the inside and receive him with a clean culinary coat opened only with my underwear… I was not that fit like him… But he smile…I sit in the table and he saw chocolate… HE GRAB SOME OF CHOCOLATE SPREAD WITH HIS FINGER AND PUT IT IN MY MOUTH… He said: I love chocolate… Do you…? HE GRAB ME VERY NICE FROM MY SHOULDERS AND HE HUG ME… KISSING MY EARS… GOD…! HIS BODY ESSENCE WAS SOOOO AWESOME AND DELICIOUS… LIKE CLOVES WITH CINNAMON… I FONDLED HIS HEAD AND KISS HIM ON HIS BEAUTIFUL MOUTH… WITH FRESH MINT FLAVOURED KISSES AND THE FLAVOUR OF THE CHOCOLATE IN MY MOUTH…HE STARTED GETTING HIS PANTS OFF VERY FAST AND TAKING HIS SHOES OFF WITH HIS FEET… I SAW HIM WITH HIS SHIRT AND SOME VERY NICE JOCKSTRAP… THAT FUCKING GUN… WOW…! AND THOSE BIG BALLS… HE STEPPED IN A CHAIR AND PUT HIS BULGE IN FRONT OF ME… I STARTED TO MASSAGE IT WITH MY LIPS AND LOOKING AT ME… SAYING TO ME: COME ON SEXY… HANDSOME… BEAUTIFUL CHOCOLATEUR… I GRABBED SOME CHOCOLATE AND SPREAD IT IN THE JOCKSTRAP… HE LIKED BECAUSE I SAW PRE CUM FILTERING FROM IT… HE WAS SMILING…THE TABLE WAS A LITTLE COLD BUT IT DOES NOT MATTERED BECAUSE IT WAS TO HOT THAT NIGHT IN THAT SUMMER…HE STEPPED DOWN FROM THE CHAIR AND SEAT ON IT… HE START perabet TO RUB MY BULGE AND HE NOTICED WETNESS FROM MY UNDERWEAR… HE SMILE AGAIN AND MASSAGE IT WITH HIS LIPS… SOOOOO FUUCKING GOOD…! HE TOOK MY UNDERWEAR OFF AND GRAB MORE CHOCOLATE FROM THE TABLE… HE STARTED TO SPREAD IT ON MY PUBES AND BELLY… HE STARTED LICKING… SO NICE…HE BEGUN TO SUCKING MY DICK VERY WARM AND SMOOTH… AFTER THAT HE GRAB MY LEGS AND START EATING MY ASS…I STEP DOWN FROM THE TABLE AND START KISSING EACHOTHER GRABBING OUR DICKS…AFTER A LITTLE BIT I KNEEL AND I WAS SO EXCITED TO SEE HIS WHOLE DICK WITHOUT THE JOCKSTRAP… I TOOK IT OF FROM IT AND I LOOK THAT BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF SEXINESS… I STARTED TO SUCK HIS DICK HEAD DOWN TO HIS HAIRY BALLS… I ASK HIM IF HE CAN CUM IN MY MOUTH… HE WAS VER Y EXCITED ABOHT THAT… OF COURSE… NOT AS I WAS FOR SURE…!AFTER A FEW… HE WAS READY TO CUM… AND BAM…! I TOOK HIS WARM SWEET CUM IN MY MOUTH… HE WAS SPEECHLESS… I COULD SEE ON HIS FACE THE FULL ECSTASY… SO I WAS…I TURN HIM IN THE TABLE AND OPEN HIS BEAUTIFUL GLUTEUS… I COULDN RESIST AND I BITE ONE NOT VERY HARD; AND HE SAID TO KEEP GOING SOFTER…AFTER THAT I OPEN HIS CHEEKS AND LICK HIS HAIRY ASS HOLE…. HE MOANED SO NICE…I TOOK A FRUIT TARTLET AND WE EATED EACHOTHER KISSING…HE GRAB ME TO THE TABLE AND LUBE MY MAN HOLE… HE PUTS A PLASTIC AND WITH THAT ERECT PJECE OF MANHOOD HE STARTED TO FUCK ME… I WAS ECSTATIC…! MOANIG AND SAYING TO HIM:-GIVE ME MORE CHEF…! HE FUCK MY ASS SOOOOO GOOOOOD…!HE TURN ME HEAD UP AND STARTED TO FUCKING ME AGAIN… HE GRAB MORE CHOCOLATE AND PJT HIS FINGERS IN MY MOUTH… IT WAS THAT GOOD THAT I BELIEVE THAT I GONNA HAVE A HEART ATTACK…I TELL HIM THAT I WAS ABAUT TO CUM WHEN HE WAS ABOUT TO… BEFORE HE CUMS HE STRARTED TO SUCK MY DICK AND I CAME INSIDE OF HIM… HE STEP UP AND HE CUM ALL OVER MY CHEST… IT WAS A VIGOROUS LOAD… HE STARTED TO LICK HIS CUM ALL OVER ME AND STARTED TO KISS…WE WHERE EXHAUSTED… BUT IN ECSTASY…THE NEXT DAY WAS OFF FOR SCHOOL; SO WE TOOK A SHOWER TOGETHER AND HE STAYED IN MY BED…AT THE MORNING WE WOKE UP AND WE KISS… IT WAS VERY NICE TO SEE HIS GLORIOUS BODY…WE MADE SOME COFFEE AND CHAT A LITTLE BIT… HE WAS ABOUT TO LEAVE AND HE ASK ME IF WE CAN SE EACNOTHER MORE OFTEN THAT ONLY SCHOOL…AND I SAYED THAT AS LOONG AS WE HAD A PROFESSIONAL RELATIONSHIP AT SCHOOL… WITH THE PROMISE THAT ONLY WE WILL HAVE PRIVATE CLASSES AFTER HOME…HE AGREED WITH A SMILE

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