electrical stimulation of cam girls
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electrical stimulation of cam girlsMy latest investgation of girls cams has been very difficult to tolerate.A wild and free internet gives women seeking a living this strange new age form of prostitution.I would discourage anyone from participating as a custommer or protaganist but since money rules all our endouvers some you have no choice. You are forced go pay excessive rent, poor quality drinking water and toxic food keep your mind numbed to the point that survival is your only goal.Sticking a remotelly controlled vibrator into your vagina seems to me a manifestation of the dark age of predator corporations.I reviewed a few cam sites and found some interesting dancing and musical performers. As usual with erotic video only a few diamonds can be found in the dung.The following is from the web, read at your own risk:Teledildonics and Its Implications for Adult WebcamsThe new fad in the adult world and sex webcams is called Teledildonics and while its name is highly amusing, its business potential is no laughing matter. This term relates to various products and gadgets that are created to allow PC and mobile users share sexual gratification without sharing a geographic location. you can read more about it in allcams as well.Needless to say, adult webcam sites are also intrigued by the numerous possibilities made available by such technology. In this article I intend to both discuss Teledildonics and to see if it can be used on current video chat platforms. You can see it all in sexier and ExposedWebcams.Understanding TeledildonicsIn simple terms, Teledildonics (AKA cyberdildonics) is a general label for sex toys that can be remotely controlled. The devices are designed to allow partners to have sexual encounters while being in different locations. Several companies have already launched gadgets that fall under this category and many more are at the making.The Past and Present of This Sexy TechnologyThere are quite a few companies working on Teledildonics, and it is not difficult to see why. Successful products can potentially generate huge profits and even while being developed they manage to draw attention and free publicity. I will name some of the most recognized names of past, present and future, but believe me: There are many more and probably new ones launched as we speak.The Sinulator and Its Uses canlı bahis siteleri on Adult WebcamsNaturally, the first Teledildonics was not very sophisticated. Toys such as the Sinulator were simply dildos that could be controlled from afar, and were controlled by one partner and not really a mutual gratifying experience. The simulator was really no different than any other dildo. It could simply be turned on and off from a distant. Some adult websites were actually quick to make use of these tools and one of the larger adult webcam sites, ImLive, actually had a Sinulator features for a few years, but it was ultimately removed from the site.Similar products included the OhMiBod, which is an egg vibrator that works similarly to the Sinulator and RealTouch, which is about the same product, but for guys. The main issue with all of these devices is of course that only one partner gets all the fun.The KissPhoneThe KissPhone doesn’t actually fall under the category of Teledildonics, but it does clarify the future options for the more sexually-designed products. It was invented in 2009 by Georges Koussouros and its stated purpose – allowing remote kissing, seems almost sweetly naive in the fast-pace pornographic environment we live in. The device measures speed, pressure, temperature and even the sucking power of a given mouth and then transmits this information to the other KissPhone, in so recreating the same exact kiss. This shows that the technology was already in existence even 5 years ago, but we’re still waiting for it to advance from making-out to actual sexual gratification.Durex Vibrating Underwear and Its Matching AppThe idea behind Durex’s vibrating underwear (AKA Fundawear) is quite simple, even though only a few years ago it would have sounded like science fiction. Users drag their fingers across an app with an image of the human private anatomy and in so activate the buzzing panties through the smartphone. According to the company, sensation is conveyed through wires and sensors, but it is hard to accurately assess this product’s success. It is still in the prototype stage and its possible that the real motive for its development was creating a huge buzz in the press.Kiiroo.comKiiroo.com is trying to incorporate social platform and Teledildonics. The male side of this equation bahis firmaları is called SVir and it’s really a masturbator, but a smart one that sends and receives date. The toy has a set of rings which coveys the movement of the female toy in real time. The female toy is called OPue and it is a vibrator that captures touch. Sadly for the ladies, this toy only senses signals and sends them to the male toy, and does not also convey the guy’s movements. It’s safe to say that men were the one engineering this toy but considering it is only in pre-production stage, maybe they will work this out. As stated, these toys are connected to a specialized social platform, even though it’s still early to guess if this combination will end up being successful.LovePalz his-n-herzPeople are now using smartphones to do anything and everything and the creators of LovePalz his-n-herz are hoping that soon they will also include sexual encounters. This product uses 2 Bluetooth iPhone accessories. The guys get ZEUS, which reminds a fleshlight, and the ladies get HERA, which looks like a vibrator. The names, presumably, hint that users will get to feel like Greek Gods, but that’s a bit of an overstatement. The technology is quite impressive though, and both devices have sensors that transmit and receive pressure and movement and can be used while video chatting or while facing each other (even though it is unclear why anyone would prefer this over the traditional technique). Here again, the women draw the short straw. The mechanical attitude may be enough to take care of the gentlemen, but chances are more ladies would find it highly insufficient.ElaicoAnother product that is currently being developed is Elacio. Fabio Himmelstoss has designed 2 matching products: Vybby (which looks disturbingly like a hook) for the ladies and Phlux (kind of a sleeve) for the men. Both partners have a mouse through which they can send strong or gentle vibrations to their partners. These toys are designed to be connected to a social platform (again) with profiles and messaging option. The site also states that the devices will connect to Skype, although I’d wait and see if this will actually happen. Interestingly enough, this product does not rely on sensory technology, and is more basic than its current competitors. Is this a good kaçak iddaa idea or one that will make it look old-fashion? Only time will tell. TopFleshlight LaunchPADThe latest advancement of this sexy technology is the LaunchPAD, designed by the reputable Fleshlight Company. This simple device is an iPad case which serves as holster for Fleshlight. The two are connected so users can in fact have sex with their tablet without having to use their hands. This platform can be used alongside with webcam chat rooms, tube sites or erotic stories and it turns every iPad into an adult toy.Using Teledildonics on Various Adult SitesThe advancements made in developing better and more sophisticated Teledildonics means great things for the adult industry. These toys can be used with porn tube sites, with sexy galleries and even more so with adult sex webcams. After all, an adult chat is most commonly an experience involving visual and vocal stimulation combined with mutual masturbation. Adding actual simulated contact would make this experience complete and will certainly draw more users to live adult web cams chat rooms.However, none of the large sites in the industry is yet to make use of this technology. This is not for lack of will, but more because most of the better-made products are not actually made yet, and are still being developed. There are also other issues: Who will pay for the devices? How will the performers, mainly amateurs working in various countries, obtain them? How will users know which device to purchase and will they be willing to pay for it on top of the already existing video chat fee? All of these issues still need to be addressed and the products still need to be developed. If these problems are overcome, a corporation between Teledildonics and adult webcam sites is the next natural step, just like it happend with sex cams.The Adult Industry is Always Experimenting with New TechnologiesIf there is one thing that can always be said about the adult industry is that it’s innovative. It was always the first to explore new technologies in the name of sexual gratification. Adult companies were the first to understand the vast potential of mobile platforms and then to recognize the value of mobile apps. It is safe to speculate that with so much money changing hands and such intense competition, the large sites have already identified Teledildonics as the next stage of online sexual adventures. However, the technology is not quite there yet, and it still needs to be developed further before it could be successfully used on massive adult portals.
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