Exerpt from yet to be titled book….comments welc
Haz 28, 2020 // By:admin // No Comment
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Merhaba pislik.org erotik sex hikayeleri okuyucuları,derlediğimiz en büyük hikaye arşivini sizlerin beğenisine sunuyoruz.Neredeyse tüm google da bulabileceğiniz tüm hikayeleri bir arada..
Exerpt from yet to be titled book….comments welcAfter a grueling 12 day, 4 country tour, your Daddy is finally coming home to you. To make it worse for you, my plane had that new upgrade with the Wi-Fi, so the whole time back I’m chatting with you. Putting dirty ideas in your head between the breaks I take to take a nap here and there. You get excited when I tell you we just landed in Hawaii to refuel, telling you we have to come here together. I don’t care if I have to get you drunk to get you on the plane, or to stuff you in a box and make you ride with the cargo, we’re coming here together. I tell you I’m taking a nap, catch you when I wake up. A few hours later you hear from me again, along with a string of messages and pics from you that drive me crazy. We chat for a while then I tell you to get excited, because I’m looking out the window and I see land. I tell you I’m getting anxious so I’m going to let you go so I can try to relax a bit as I remind you of the flight, time and gate. All I got is my carry-on so no baggage claim needed. “See you then Lover…”I spot you before you see me, leaning against a wall trying to look over everybody, so I make my way out of view behind a crowd going past you. As usual you’re turning heads wearing a short dress with your long legs and sky high heels. Most people are wondering if you’re waiting for your man or for your trick, but that’s our little secret. I come along side you, dropping my bag at your feet, making you jump, then take you in my arms and kiss you deep as I press you against the wall. You wrap your arms around my head, wrapping a leg around mine and kiss me in that way so I know you’ve missed me a lot this trip. After we calm ourselves down and take a breath, you look at me and you’re shocked how tired I look. You reintroduce me to your friend, who you couldn’t stop texting me about, sisters in crime back together again. We talk all the way to the car, as you pull your keys out of your purse, I grab them out of your hands and I hand them to your friend, “You drive,” as I look back at you with a wink and simply say, “Back Seat.”We’re in the back seat acting like we’re teenagers again. Kissing each other deeply and passionately, our hands wandering all over each other’s bodies, whispering dirty things into each other’s ears. The whole time your friend keeps checking us out in the rearview mirror and laughs at us. We don’t care, it’s been almost two weeks with any intimacy and it dove us crazy. combination of not sharing the intimacy, the love, and the passion we have was almost unbearable. she looks back at us, “Ok now c***dren, where are we going.” I pull away from you and tell here that I need some food, so any place we can eat then we’re headed home.We talk as we eat and drink our way through the meal, talking about my trip, making jokes and giving each other good comebacks like we always do. You keep giving me this look of love yet you feel bad for me because you can see on my face how exhausted I am and how I’m fighting to stay awake. After we leave, we get back into the back seat and you make me lay my head on your chest as you wrap your arms around me, giving me little kisses on my head and feeling the love I’ve missed feeling so much. We finally reach my place, and I grab my bag out of the truck. As we walk into the complex you ask me, “You know I’m going to be here all weekend, mind if she crashes in your spare bedroom?” You know I’m not going to say no to you, so she drives away headed back to your place to get her stuff, giving us some time alone together. We get inside the door and relive part of our first night, I close the door behind you, I press you against the wall, grabbing your sexy ass as I kiss you deep. After a few minutes your pull away, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom. You sit me on the bed as you do a sexy striptease for me and I can’t help but sit back and smile. After you’re completely naked, you slowly strip me and tease me then we head into the bathroom where you start running a hot shower for us. You put me under the water as you talk to me, first washing my hair, running your nails through my hair and rinsing it out. Then you grab the soap and begin at my shoulders and lather me up all the way down. As you do you tease me by running your nails up and down my back, teasing my ass in that special way you do, going all the way down to your knees to get my feet too. When you’re done you tell me to turn around. You start back up my legs, rubbing your face on my cock as you do. Just as you being to wash my inner thighs, you take my cock in your mouth and give me soft gentle sucks as you continue to wash me. I grab your hair as you hear me pant and moan for you, but to your disappointment he’s not really reacting to you. You realize I’m more tired than your thought, but that doesn’t stop you from playing with him. As you work your way up, you take my cock in your hands and lift it up, giving my balls a lick and a suck as you get back on your feet and start washing the rest of me. When you’re done washing me, you lean me against the shower wall, letting the water run down my back as you massage me. Pretty soon I’m practically falling asleep on my feet so you turn off the water and dry me off. As we head into the bedroom, you light a scented candle and help me into bed. With a long deep kiss you tuck me in and tell me you’ll be in here shorty, but I tell you to take your time because I’m passing out. I pass out but for only a hour or so. I look at the clock and turn over to fall back asleep but I can’t no matter how much I relax and close my eyes. After watching the clock tick away for about 30 minutes or so, I put on a pair of shorts and walk to the kitchen to get some milk to drink to help me sleep. You and her are in the living room talking, and your first thought is that your talking woke me up. I explain to you that you didn’t, it’s sleeping on too many airplanes and hotel beds, it’s like our bed is too soft right now, but I’ll fall asleep eventually. After we talk for a few minutes, I say good night and walk down the hallway. When I’m about to enter the bedroom I feel your hands on my back and you whisper in my ear, “Come on Daddy, back to bed.”You walk me to the side of the bed, “Lay back and relax Daddy”, as you slide my shorts off and push me back on the bed. I feel you kneel between my legs as you take me in your mouth once again. After about a minute in to it I feel nails on my head and a hand kaçak bahis on my cheek. You slide me out of your mouth, stroking me as you say, “Daddy, tell her what you want.” You suck on me for about another minute as I feel your friend’s hands on me. “Daddy!…Tell Her What You Want!” You tell me in you stern voice. I look up at her and we lock eyes as she pulls down the top of her tank top, exposing her breasts with a smile on her face.”Really?!?!” is the only words I could manage between the sight of her breasts and the feeling of you on my cock.She leans over, giving me a soft wet kiss, locks eyes with mine again and says, “Yes….really.”By now we’re all turned on. I tell her to rub my chest while she runs her hair all over my body. Without hesitation, she gets on the bed, both hands massaging my chest and playing with my chest hair as she runs her hair all over me. I sensation of you sucking on my and exciting me and her massaging me and relaxing me has me going crazy. Soon after she starts playing with my body, you feel my cock throbbing in your mouth and you know I’m getting close. I tell her to start playing with my nipples as you hit my spot on my cock and you know it’s only a matter of time now. You hear me gasp and moan from the feeling of both of you. So you both play a little harder with me, until I’m moaning, “I’m cumming, I’m cumming,” as you feel me unload in your mouth. Now you moan from the feeling and size of it. After swallowing it you slide up my body and kiss me deep. The size of that load meant I haven’t jerked off in days, just as we haven’t had phone sex for days. Daddy didn’t cum without his Baby with him, even if it was just in voice. After the kiss you whisper to me, “Go to sleep Daddy,” as you roll off me. She leans over giving me a kiss too then whispers in my ear, “That’s for sweet dreams me.” After that how could I not?I wake up the next morning with you naked in my arms like you always are. I slide away from you but me in the bathroom wakes you up. I kiss you and tell you to go back to sleep. I go in the living room, leave a note and slide out the door. When you wake up, you see a note on the fridge that says, “Running to work to file my contracts, running some errands then I’ll be back. Call me if you need anything. Love you S. Baby.”I’m gone most of the day, as we swap texts back and forth. Early in the afternoon you tell me that the two of you are running out yourselves and I tell you I’ll see you when you get home but don’t be too busy later, we’re having fun tonight because I want to see the two of you in action. You two finally come home with a couple extra bags, and we start deciding what we’re going to do. You ask me if I know what I’m wearing, I say yes, and you tell me to go get them and clean up in the other bathroom because you two are taking over my room for the next two hours….and I realize I’m in deep shit when I take my clothes and you two lock the door behind me.You two crank up the stereo and start doing your thing. A couple times I knock on the door to bug you two, especially when you start playing the country music, “Remember my radio is allergic to that redneck music!” Eventually I take my shower and wait for you two, and as soon as you walk out of the bedroom my worst fears came true. You two come dressed up like some high class call girls, showing more cleavage than you’re covering and I’m going to be less a date and more a bodyguard to you two. I might as well get some multicolored jacket and be your pimp because that’s what I’m going to feel like next to you two. I look at you both and I tell you that I’m playing this out all the way. You both look at me, then with a little kiss you tell me that was the idea all along. We decide where we’re going and I take the key to get us there.We go to dinner and I request us a table, so that way I can sit next to both of you. Through the entire meal we’re getting looks and so we play it out. As we talk I put a hand on both of your thighs. When I get up and go to the restroom I kiss both of you. During dessert, we all feed each other to everyone else’s amusement. After the meal we walk outside as you both are about to light up your cigarettes, and I stop you both. We walk down the street with both of you on either arm, and head in to a smoke lounge. Knowing that you’re both not big fans of cigars, I ask the shop keeper for a very specific cigar which he happens to have (which one is a secret). We take our cigars as I order us three brandies and we sit on a couch with me in the middle. As I light up both of your cigars, you’re both pleasantly surprised that you actually like it. After lighting mine I sit back, you throw your leg over mine while she puts her hand on my thigh and we’re talking and laughing at all the looks we are getting. When we’ve had enough, we leave and head to the casino. You ladies want to play the slots, I tell you know and tell your two we’re heading to the blackjack tables, just find a table with three open seats in a row. After some searching, we find us a table. We sit down with one of you on each side of me, and I drop three C-notes on the table, tell the dealer a set of dimes for each seat. I tell you both that we’re trying to win back what we paid for dinner. We play for about 30 minutes, having a few drinks along the way, and I see that look in your eyes that this has been fun, but the fun you’re wanting now is a little bit more erotic. So we cash out and go get the car to head on home. The whole way home, the two of you are touching and teasing me, as well as touching and teasing each other just to torture me a bit. You’re riding shotgun with me, and as my hand runs up and down your thigh, I can feel up high just how wet you are. After I give you that look that you love, you reach over and start rubbing me through my pants, wanting me to walk into my place with a hard-on that everyone can notice. As we get out, your friend notices what you did to me as rubs her ass against it just to tease me a little more. As we walk in my door, each of you head to a bathroom and I tell your friend to meet us in the bedroom after she’s done. I make you sit on the bed after you get out as it’s now my turn. When I come out both of you are sitting on the bed. I take your hands and stand you both up against the wall, but I stand in front of you. I lean into you and kiss you deep, grabbing your ass and breast at the same time. I pull away.”How do you feel tonight Baby?” I ask.”Like a bahis siteleri $5000 a night call girl.” You say with a smile.”And you’re going to feel like one tonight.” I reply. I then more over in front of your friend give her a look and tell her, “You’re not so lucky,” as I reach behind her, pulling her hair back and turning her around and press her against the wall.”Tonight you’re my pet. My caring, obedient, sexy, kinky pet.” I reach around and grab both of her breasts, “You are in my home, and you have one purpose and that’s to please us. I’m not here to fuck you, you and my Baby are here to share you, and you will please us any way I desire. Remember last night, you do whatever Daddy wants right?” She can barely manage a nod. I grab her hair and lift it up, motioning to you to hold it for me. I reach back out of my back pocket and pull out a thick leather collar that I put on her. I can feel her body shake a little and hear her gasp as it snaps tight.”You do not get to call be Daddy, my Baby is the only one who gets to call me Daddy. You are here for our pleasure, tonight you are my pet, to do as you’re told, and when you do you will be properly rewarded. You are my Pet, I am your Master, and you will obey me yours.”Overwhelmed with anticipation and anxiety of what is about to happen, her only response is a moaning, “Yes Master.”I sit down in my chair staring at both of you, I lock eyes with each of you and give you both a simple command, “Undress each other then get on the bed.”You both lay on the bed as I get naked and lay between you both. Then you pull me to you, kissing me and then say, “Daddy, our pet is our guest, and she’s only heard my stories of what you do to me, I think you should give our pet a treat first.”I slide my hand between her legs, running my fingers on her clit, sliding them down and dipping them in her pussy and back up. “I can’t treat a pet when she’s this dry, need to make sure the pet is properly prepared to receive her treat.” I move her to the center of the bed, kissing you and say, “Do your thing,” as I slide between our pets’s legs and dive my face right into her pussy.I spread her legs and I put my mouth right on her clit, doing my little trick with my tongue and lips that you love so much. My chin is pressed against her pussy, with the scruff on my chin tickling her lips to make the sensation even greater. I look up to watch you two making out and playing with each other’s breasts as I feel our pet’s clit going erect on my tongue. After a minute she pulls away from your kiss and starts panting and moaning as you talk dirty to her until she screams and cums right in my mouth. Being the Master that I am, I stay down there and keep going, just like I do on you. The feeling of me pressing my tongue against her clit, the motion and rhythm I move at is too much and no too long after the first one she cums again. I this point I bring you down to me and roll myself sideways. As I continue to eat her out, I have you start to suck on me in that special way that gets me throbbing for you. I keep eating her out until you slide me out of your mouth and say, “Ready Daddy.”I pull away and you notice a puddle between her legs and dripping down her ass. I get her legs wide, throwing one leg on my shoulder as I rub my cock up and down her pussy and then slide just the head in. “Are you ready my pet?” I look at her and say.”Yes Master, I’m so ready.” she replies. I lean forward and shove my cock into her. She screams again, now realizing all the stories you’ve told her were not an exaggeration. I slowly pump my way completely into her, feeling the pain of being stretched out, but like you she’s starting to enjoy it. When I finally get completely into her, I put both legs on my shoulders and we go at it like porn stars. You hold her breasts, playing with her nipples and keeping her breasts from hitting her in the face. The screaming begins once again as she lets out a deep moan and cums again, almost pushing me out, but I shove back in deep in to her. I try to get her off again but the orgasms from the oral and my cock have run her dry so now it’s time for me to cum. You get behind me, playing with my nipples and talking dirty in my ear. “Cum for us Daddy, Fuck that slut, Cum in our pet, Cum Daddy.”The combination of it all is too much as you feel my body do it’s little shake. You wrap your arms around my head and kiss me deep as I moan in your mouth and cum deep inside her. I collapse on the bed next to our pet, which then you fall between us, looking at her and saying, “Told you he was good.” I turn you over and kiss you, as I look at her and command her to clean me off. She climbs over you and begins to suck on cock clean and dry, enjoying the taste of our mixed juices as our kiss gets deeper and more passionate. When she’s done I roll you on your back and say to you, “It’s your turn Baby.”I look at our pet, grab her hair and pull it back as I kiss her deep then command, “Now it’s time for you to eat her out as well as I ate you, ” as I guide her head between her legs and watch her start eating you out. “You’re going to stay down there, eating out that pussy that belongs to me until I get hard again and fuck my baby til she’s happy.” She pulls away for a second to say, “Yes Master,” then promptly returns to eating you out. I lay next to you, talking dirty to you as I kiss you, play with your hair and your nipples. I read your body and after a while I know you’re getting close, so I start sucking on one nipple while playing with the other until you cum all over our pet’s face. I tell her to keep going, you need more to make yourself wet enough for me. I give you a wink and kneel next to our pet, I go from behind and finger her pussy as I whisper in her ear.”Eat her out my pet. The Master wants to fuck his baby good. Master wants to make his Baby’s pussy sore, but Master can’t do that when Baby as a dry pussy. Make my Baby wet and watch what I do to her.” I lay back next to you and you reach down and grab my cock and begin to stroke it. You give me that horny sexual look that screams ‘Fuck Me!’ and you grab my cock tighter and stoke me faster. “My pet, press your tongue tight against her clit and make her cum one more time, then Daddy is going to fuck his Baby.”She does as she’s told, and not long after you’re cumming again. I go to our pet and kiss her to reward her for a job well done and tell her she tastes delicious. I slide between your legs canlı bahis and dive my cock deep in to you, no pumping, no foreplay, just complete penetration to make it hurt just the way you like. You slide your legs high on my shoulders as you reach up to play with my nipples as I pound you deeper and harder. I tell our pet to sit in the chair and take a break and play with herself, there’s no sharing this. It turns you on that she’s watching us even though our eyes never leave each others. I hear you say, ‘Yes Daddy’ and I know you’re close so I start pounding harder and deeper. ‘Daddy, this is a big one Daddy,’ you tell me as you can’t help but play with my nipples harder as you scream and cum for me. You look at me and hear me say, ‘Holy Shit,’ as you got so tight you made me cum for you too. We collapse on each other as we’re all exhausted at this point. After we catch our breath, I ask if you ladies want a drink as I head to the kitchen. You two head outside naked, laying on the lounge chairs to enjoy your smokes and to cool off. I meet you shortly with your drinks as we talk and relax under the night air. It take two smokes along with the fireball and Dr. Pepper to calm yourself as we eventually go inside and back to the bedroom. You lay down with me cuddling up tight next to you, our pet slides in behind me, throwing her arm over both of us. No, we’re not going to sleep, we’re just taking a breather before round 2, because this has been better than we imagined so far…After a while you wake up and turn over while still in my arms, dropping teasing little kisses on my lips. You whisper to me, ‘Wake up Daddy, Baby wants to play.’ I mumble something to you so you start sucking on my lip to wake me up, but you notice I’m only half awake. Our pet notices what you’re doing, so you take her hand and move it down to my half hard cock and make her start stroking me as you kiss me while playing with my nipples. The feeling is too much for me to handle so I roll to my back as I feel small kisses from each of you. “Daddy, your Baby has a request.””Yes Baby?””Daddy pleased his Baby and Pet well, time for Baby and the Pet to please Daddy””I love you Baby,” I say with a moan.You lean on me and kiss me deep, then slide down my body. Our pet kisses me deep then does the same thing. I hear you say to our pet, ‘Come here and kiss me.’ Next thing I know I feel both of your mouths and both of your tongues on the head of my cock. I can’t help but moan for both of you. When you feel me throbbing, I feel you two taking turns, one of you sucking my head while the other licks the shaft. The moans coming out of me turn you both on more and more. Before I realize it, you two start moving, our pet slides between my legs as you climb my body sticking your pussy and ass in my face. You ask me to put my knees up while both of your hands glide them up. Then I feel my cock leave our pet’s mouth and you take over while She starts sucking on my balls and running her nails up and down my legs. I try to eat you out but you have me moaning and gasping so much all I can do is watch your pussy getting wetter by the second. As you suck on me a feel you giggle as my balls are cupped and I feel a tongue on my ass. The moan of surprise out of me turns you both on even more, so she continues to toss my salad while you suck me harder and deeper. You feel me throbbing in your mouth, so you direct our pet to start playing with my g-spot. She rubs it just right as you use your tongue on my spot. I start moaning and talking dirty to both of you. I shake so hard you laugh as you feel me fill up your mouth with another warm load. You climb off me and grab our pet by the back of the head. You show me you still have my cum in your mouth as you pull our pet close and snowball my load with her. You both exaggerate it for my pleasure, moaning as you make out because you know I love it. Then you both lean and fall on me, one on each shoulder and start kissing me, three tongues trying not to get tied in a knot. “Daddy is so good to us,” you say as you lean in and kiss me.”Master makes his pet happy,” as she follows your lead and does the same.I have a smile and that exhausted afterglow look on my face, as you two look at each other with a wink of satisfaction that you both fucked me good. You both slide down and start whispering little things in my ear at the same time, as you both run your nails up and down my body. I feel you both on either side of my head, both laying little kisses and licks on my cheeks and lips. “I know you’re tired Daddy, time for your Baby and your Pet to relax you so you will fall asleep with us with a big smile on your face,” you whisper to me as you kiss me deep. You both guide me sideways on the bed, you kiss me deep as you blindfold me then I feel your hands on my face and my shoulders. I feel our pet climb on me, as she starts laying kisses all over my chest and stomach while dragging her breasts and her hair all over me. She continues lower, teasing my cock by wrapping her hair around it, and squeezing it between her breasts. When he goes down my legs and reaches my feet you two turn me over and she works her way back up again. You feel the goose bumps come over my body as she teasing my back and you run your nails on my neck. Then you to switch, our pet is now on the floor, caressing my head and neck while you tease and relax my body. Kissing my back, teasing with your breasts and digging your nails in just right as you work your way down. You know my body to well, and hit every spot that tickles me and makes me moan. I turn over and you work your way back up. You take your time working back up, you start sucking on my cock that way you love to relax me. Just massage me with your mouth that special way you do. Our pet watches you and starts to play with my nipples for added sensation but I think you two officially wore him out for the night. You work your way up, with soft little kisses until you kiss me deep.”I love you Daddy,” you say after our kiss finally ends. You guide our pet over to me and she kisses me as well, “Thank you my Master,” I hear her say with a smile. I hear you both leave the room and head back out to the deck, as you two have your last smoke for the night, you see me out of the corner of your eye. You both bend over the railings, exposing your pussies and asses to me, making me wish I had a camera to save that forever. I get a drink as you both walk inside. We walk to the bedroom together, fixing the sheets as I lay in bed. Like before, you cuddle up in front of me, and our pet is spooning me from behind.”What? No lovin’ for me,” our pet whines, as I reply.”No worries my Pet, remember we’re doing this all weekend long and it’s only Friday night….”
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