Learning from mom
Haz 30, 2020 // By:admin // No Comment
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Learning from momThis story is how I learned about sex and crossdressing. It takes place back in 1984 about the time I hit puberty. My dad had took off about 2 years before this and my mom put all her focus into her job. Back then with no internet and being my age I would mainly look at the women in the sears catalog. I was always drawn to the lingerie and how good they looked in it. So I did feel confused cause I felt like I wanted to be more like my mom and wear what women were wearing. Ok this started the first week of summer break. My mom was on my ass about cleaning the attic and I was grounded anyway so when she left for work I started cleaning. After a couple of hours I ran across a box with some vhs tapes in it. Yea that’s all we had was one tv and one vcr in the living room. So I took one of the tapes and played it. A women was on stage taking her clothes off slowly. I got scared and was looking around to make sure no one was there. I couldn’t turn it off and finally started to relax. Then the urge came over me so I went to my mothers room and got a pair of panties, bra, and a slip out of her drawer. Then got a dress out of her closet and hurried back to the living room. By this time there was another women on tv she was beautiful with big tits wearing bursa escort vintage lingerie. As she was taking her clothes off I was putting on my moms. It felt so good rubbing the dress and slip all over my body and about the time I was about to cum the phone rang. Scared the shit out of me. I froze then waited finally I answered it. It was my mom checking on me. She asked how’s it going I said just about to finish up. She said you sound worried are you ok. I said sure I’m fine and she told me she wasn’t going to be able to come home for lunch. We got off the phone and I went back to the box. There were 5 more tapes so I got another one. When it came on there was a woman in lingerie sucking a mans cock. I had never seen this before and was stunned. After a couple of hours watching and prancing around I got off and got everything cleaned up. I went back to the attic and finished it up and put the tapes away. My mom got home about 5 and we started cooking dinner. She said the attic looks good what else you been up to. I just said nothing much thinking about how good I had it now. She said after dinner we need to have a little talk. I thought now what but didn’t worry to much. After my shower and after my mom had a few drinks we were back in the living room. escort bursa She started off by saying I know this is my fault and you must just be confused but I saw you in my clothes prancing around and watching that tape. See I did come by at lunch and seen you through the window. I was so shocked. She said first off were did that tape come from be honest and you want be in trouble. I softly told her and then went and got the box. She said ok these probably belong to your father so thank you for being truthful. Now why was you wearing my clothes. I took a big gulp and said I like the way your clothes feel and when I seen those tapes I wanted to be the woman more than the man. She said you’re confused I haven’t been here for you. I said no I was confused but that’s what I like. She spoke up and said ok put one of those tapes in I’m going to explain this to you. My heart was racing and by this time she had a good buzz. But when this tape started a tall black woman was on the bed with a white woman kissing. My mom said well this may be more confusing about that time the black lady pulled her panties down and she had a big black cock. The other lady was sucking it. My mom looked at me and said I see were you get it from now. Ok lets go I said where to my bed bursa escort bayan room. She went to the closet and pulled down a suit case I had never seen before. she said this is some of my stuff from the past and I’m going to fix you up. She had me put on a garter belt, stockings, and silky black panties and bra. Then she pulled out a blond wig and make up. when she was finished and I saw myself in the mirror I looked sexy. I was hard as a rock and she garbed some more stuff from the case and went to the bath room. A minute later she opened the door and said ok honey you need to get on your knees and close your eyes. I did so and then I heard her sexy voice say ok sweaty open them up. The first thing I seen was a big black dildo she was holding to her sexy panties. Then looking up I seen her tits all pushed up out of her bra. Then looked at her red lips as she said this is what you want I’m going to teach you now do what that woman was doing, come on suck it put those pretty lips on this cock. That’s right suck this cock be a good girl ooh your doing a great job. By this time I had already cum and she finally notice and said that’s a good girl that was your first lesson but I have so much more to teach you. After I cleaned up she had already had some lingerie and the wig on the bed. Then told me to put this in your draw and you can wear them when ever and always during your lessons. Later that night I heard her getting off and it made me cum again. That is how it started for me.
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