My First Sex Experience – BBC

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Haz 14, 2020 // By:admin // No Comment

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My First Sex Experience – BBCWhenever some one asks me about a sexual encounter that I remember the most, I have only one story to say and that’s my first experience. Though I have had sex 4 or 5 times post that, this one remains as a classical encounter for me and I am pretty sure that I won’t forget it till my death. I’m not overrating the story but I still, I repeat I still remember each and every second of that 3 hour session, though its 8 years have past after that encounter. I always followed Indian culture and traditions in my life. I managed to remain virgin till my age of 24, since Indian culture profess you to loose virginity to your husband. I will move onto the story now.It was a normal weekend during my college life in New York and I use to stay with 3 of my friends in a rented house. All the three had boyfriends and I was the sole single member. One fine evening night one of them arranged to get some Porn CD’s and we saw porn like for about 5 hours continuosly. After the show, three of them arranged dates with their boyfriends. It was the time when I thought i should forget about the culture and should explore the world of sex. I was not interested in relationship too, so with the advice of friends decided to go on a blind date. Since, I was a virgin, friends told me to go for an experienced man. Saturday by evening went to the bar and I sat in a table. A lot of guys hit up on me but but I was not interested. Finally, its the introduction of hero. A pure Black man casino şirketleri about 45 years came and sat opposite me. He started gently but finally asked up for the date. I’m always an advocate of interraciality and I like black men too so decided that it will be the man. Went to a nearby hotel.It was past 10 PM and he was so gentle that he asked me whether I was tired and was actually ready. I was a bit tired and also in the hangover of drinks. He suggested to take a small nap. I was woken up by him at 1 AM and that was the start of an amazing session which went on till 4 AM. I was in a T-Shirt and Jeans and he was in his Shirts and Shorts. Started off with kissing and since he had big lips it was a different experience of kissing for me, that I got turned on immediately. He pulled up by T-Shirt without removing it and tied it behind my back in a way it completely exposed my midriff. He was a navel fetish man and he did a one hour job on my stomach. I really got turned on by that foreplay itself. He was not stopping and going on. Finally I lowered the opening of my T-Shirt and had him a peek at my Cleavage, which I think turned him on. He stopped and I was excited. Took off my T-Shirt fully and untied by bra. He was fully clothed so I tried to take off his Shirt but he said its not time. He laid me down and started sucking and pressing my tits, occasionally coming up kissing me and smooching my neck. It was soooooooo good. I was really turned on and wanted sex casino firmalari immediately but I just don’t wanted to stop him too because he was enjoying. I let it happen and finally he stopped and removed his shirt. OMG the level of excitement was unexplainable since I am gonna get sex. But its not yet time. He took off my jeans and untied the panties with he still in his shorts. I never though that he would eat me since I had known from my friends that only rare men eats pussy. He started eating my Clitoris and suddenly I was in moon. He ate me for as long as 20 mins and I has orgasms like 5 times. Juices have already started dripping off from my pussy and he stopped. When he stopped and took off his shorts, I was even more excited as finally its dream come true for me as I am getting my first Penis. But out hero had other plans. He was still in his underwear, took me to shower. I was completely nude and he was in his underwear. We had a nude bath, and he caressed my tits like a Pro. I was impatient and tried to take off his underwear but he grabbed my hands and held it. Then we had a passionate kissing session and I gave him a Juicy kiss using all my saliva which turned him on so well and he could not control, released my hands and grabbed my ass. I used that opportunity to give him a stroke on his cock. He turned off the shower and he was urging the towelling up process which gave me the idea that now its time. After the towelling he finally took off his underwear güvenilir casino showing his thick big black cock. I was excited to the heaven just seeing it. I did a 5 mins handjob and before taking it to my mouth he told he cannot wait and we started fucking. I had told him already that I was a Virgin so he started it slow while I was enduring my pain with blood coming. For about 20 mins it was painful as hell and finally he started accelerating. Pain started to convert into pleasure and finally I was in the height on Heaven. It was Missionary first, then switched to Cowgirl, then the reverse cowgirl, then doggy and finally spoon. I was about to die, and I told him and finally he shoot his load of hot cum on my belly button, again showing his navel fetishism. I looked at the clock and it was 4 AM. Took a shower and we slept nude. While sleeping also he has his hands on my stomach. Next day we woke up at 11 AM and he told me that it was his most memorable sex in his life and he never had a tight pussy like that before. He wanted to have more encounters with me but I believe in blind dates only so I dint gave him my contacts. He gave his Mail and told me whenever I need him I can call him. I still have his mail. Once in a while I think of calling him, but always you should try new ones to learn more. I’m not someone who has sex often, but that was a hell lot to remember and that too in my first sexual experience. Had sex with Caucasian men, Asian man and European man post that but still no one can beat the BBC. Its a true saying that if you go black then you won’t go back. I have not yet tried another black man post that because I am always busy with my modelling and dancing career. But now I’m 28 I really need to find someone now.

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