San Diego bay 2

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Haz 12, 2020 // By:admin // No Comment

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San Diego bay 2
San Diego bay 2
One great perk I found about being in the Navy was the amount of freedom at times. My work schedule allowed me plenty of time to sail and I was always looking for more sailing time. After my last day spent on the bay with a new friend All I could hear was the sea calling my name.
There is one thing the military teaches well, listening, I listen to every word and meaning to words. Well what was stuck in my thoughts and mind were the last words by my new friend as she waved goodby. ” I had been noticed and watched”. What did that mean and by who? Her or others, did I upset people for using a privet pier ?

The he time had come to set sail again so off I went with boat in tow, not sure how to handle the question if asked if I had permission to use this pier, but I was going to push my luck and do as I always did. I pulled near the launch area in front of the pier and looked around to see if anyone was around that may ask question, paying special attention to the big million dollar boats.
All set to go, I pushed away from the pier and set casino şirketleri corse for the cove exit that leads to the open bay. Just turning to port I looked back to see my new friend standing waving calling me back. With a smile I kicked my tiller just in time to clear the rocks and head back. As I pulled along the pier, I was joking scolded for sailing without my first mate.
I tried to cover my wake but was at a loss of a funny line.

Pushing off again away we sailed. The day was still before noon and the sun was warm, the winds were perfect for my small boat. Giving directions on how to set the sails and many other question about sailing. Now it was sit back and enjoy the sun and the wind. It was time for a beer, the order went out for the firstmate to set the beer watch . I watched her close as she bent over and moved below. My mind raced back to just how sexy she was, twice my age and I was turned on by her. After a short bit of just sight seeing, we started talking about misc and sharing about our lives. Adventurous she began asking me how casino firmalari I felt about her age and if I was excited about the age cap. My reply was simple, I never would have guessed, but I truly enjoyed her confidence and skill, not as timid as girls my age, yes, I was hooked on her and her wonderful age. This is when my wondering of her last goodby meant.

I understand that there was a group of ladies on the million dollar boats that had noticed me and I had become the talk of more then one conversation. Beth, my new first mate had told this group of our sailing adventure and she was proud to say, she had ventured first. Next she asked if I was available Saturday late afternoon and evening, the members of the a Yaut club were having a boat party, I was invited. Yes, was my answer, but soon I started to wonder what about others, like your firstmate, where, I was assured always fine and to arrive around 4pm and to ask for her with the gate guard and dress summer lite. Returning with another beer she nelt in front of me, a kiss was all it took and we güvenilir casino were heading below.

She he was wearing a short sundress, that hid her peach panties. I unbuttoned her dress that had five buttons in front.
letting her dress hit the floor, this was when I took a very close look at her mature body, yes, not what I was use to. Her body was in remarkable shape, just a hint of tummy, hips and bottom was a mature perfect curve. Smooth, soft and fully shaven, a California tan just to finish her perfection. The day past with the anchor warning flag flying and the sails lowered. Now I can not say at this point of my young 22yrs and only one other female to my experance could I understand the special skill of her love making, it was like I was in charge but being lead. Everytime I made any type of sound, ” OMG” as her tongue traveled the full length of my hard shaft, the just the right grip her lips as it slid over the head of my erection. She just kept saying, just wait until Saturday , my lips stuck hard tickling her most sensitive spots, again she says, Saturday will have plenty of that for you to enjoy. The day went by fast, her goodby was with a huge smile…. Three days too Saturday, 4pm I will let them know you will be attending.
She slipped through the gate and out of my sight. Saturday, three days .


Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

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