So last week

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Haz 18, 2020 // By:admin // No Comment

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So last weekSo last week I had some off time and decided to visit some friends from the old neighborhood. See my job went to some crazy 12 hour shifts so I’m not home as much neither have the freee time I use to have. Still fucked up in my thoughts from the very lucky day I had, I got an idea to stop my Bobs house again. Swear, I didn’t have any intentions “smirk” to do anything but hey, I’m off and I’m trying to get drunk with my friends and enjoy the day. So I get there and I see my friend who is washing his car. I swear the car a piece of shit but he likes it so I don’t say anything but as long as he loves it, I can care less. So were outside talking and catching up and I noticed that he’s not drinking then I asked hey man why aren’t you drinking. He replied that he was to work that evening and I said dam. At this point I’m totally buzzed and as he talks my mind keeps running on what happend in his house a couple weeks ago so I laugh to myself on the inside with a devils grin. With me being nosey and all I asked man where’s your mom? He said she’s at work but she should be back by the time he leaves for work. I said oh word dam. So we continued to talk until he finished washing his car and by this time I’m too wavy on the drink. So he goes inside to get ready for work and I stayed outside thinking out loud and just wondering if I should leave when he leave since his mom will be there by the time he leaves or stick around after he leaves and act like we’re talking about irrelevant shit. About 15 minutes go by and coming down the road I hear a car and I said oh shit. The titty monster is pulling up from work. And it’s hot as hell out here so I know she’s in a sleeveless top shirt as usual. So she pulls up and yells out the window “what are you doing down here?” I replied just catching up with Bob. She then says some jibberish that I can’t make up. She pulls into the drive way and gets out the car and as expected that fucking sleeveless shirt with a shot of side tits that I couldn’t help bursa escort but stare at. She caught me and said remember what happened last time when you want to look at things she said while looking at a hard on I didn’t even know I had. Out of nowhere I pulled my shit out and just let her look at. I did t touch it or anything it was just there like a shaped rainbow just boom all my greatness about 15 feet away from here. For some reason I became a freak in the yard I spit on my dick and watched look as it dropped off it as it was cumming for her. I could see her huge nipples through that thin shit and she said boy you better put that thing up before Bob walks outside for work. I was lost and then I said oh shit he is in the house. Yeah I’m drunk a hell. She said I’d you stick around I might can solve a problem we both have. I replied umm hmm. So she walks in the house and I smoke a cigarette waiting on bob to leave for work. Usually when he leaves for work when I’m there I follow him out as if I’m going home. Me being the devil I am, I left my phone on the patio set. Bobs walks out the house and said man I’m leaving for work and I said yeah I’m getting ready to go back home. So we leave and once we get down the road, ding ding, I left my phone. I flashed him and he pulled over and I said man I left my phone on the patio I gotta go get it. He said ok cool I’ll catch up later. Bet. Hehehehe free shot back to the house to see what kind of trouble I can get into. As I’m pulling in his mom is checking the mail. I leaves out the window and said you better not have another magazine in there. She said no not today but my ass needs attention. I said really huh. She just smiles. Little does she know I took some horny goat weed so she’s not getting over on me today. I’m thirsty I said and she said come on in and I’ll give you some water. I said I didn’t mean that thirsty. Her being older doesn’t know lingo to well. I said I want to suck on those titties again. She said ohhh you sure? Yep escort bursa I’m sure. As I move in to remove her blouse she stopped me and said well I’m thirsty too. I said what you want. She said I’m in the mood for some hot icing. Hmmm I said. You want my cum don’t you? Yes every drop. I immediately pulled my pants down. No need for foreplay just jaw jacking and ball licking and the occasional finger play which feels awesome. As she is nawing in my rod she just can’t keep all that spit in her mouth. She keeps spitting on it and nibbling on it like a piece of a chewy. She then tongues my dick hole and I lose all my respect for her mouth. She then lays on her back while I’m standing over her and she says just drop it in my throat sir. That shit turned me on even more. I started just dumping him down and down. Everyone I see tears of joy coming from her eyes as she gasps for air. She she sticks out her tongue and licks my ass. I was skeptical about it but fantising about all kind of shit all the time it didn’t bother me. I liked it. I said do it again and she kept licking it and eventually stuck her tongue in it. Major hard dick alert I came so fast. It was like a cum I never had before and it was so thick and creamy s**ttered all over her huge tits. She said awe you like that huh I said hell yeah. She then said now it’s my turn. In my mind I was like you can pleasure me all night but whatever. She got up and bent over a table and I proceeded to spread her huge ass and once again saw a beautiful ass hole. I kissed it gently. Rubbed my nose in it. Yeah I’m nasty so.. licked it and I tongue fucked her nice juicy hole. She constantly forces her ass back in my face and I love that shit. She said I don’t want you to taste my pussy today just eat my ass like your doing now. I had no problem with that at all. Now that her ass is all slopped and wet I waste no time putting my dick far up her ass. Usually I would just fuck like crazy but that day I wanted to feel every ridge and every tightness bursa escort bayan of that ass. I wanted to feel her clich when my did was throbbing in her. I didn’t stroke her ass I just had it all the way in there just grinding in it. She reached under and grab my balls and with her nails just barely was gliding over my skin and it was the best feeling every and also the the cum was good Once I cam she said keep it in me sir. I’m like where is this sir shit coming from. I didn’t ask but I felt superior. I could feel her pushing me out and she said don’t let me push it out. I grabbed it and made it stay in until her let out a huge scream. She pushed so hard I came out as did both our cum. That shit was so sexy to me. I mean a bbw anally fucked and cummed equals heaven to me. Without notice she turned around and kissed me so passionately. I wiped my dick off and she where’s the rest of your cum huh’? I said you have to take it out of me. She said oh really now. Yep I said. Another amazing head game story. She started sucking me mouth wide open no lip action jay throat as her tongue was handing out her mouth as waiting for something. She kept going over the curved rainbow back and fourth so furiously. The sound was out of this world. Just killing it. I said I’m about to cum and she did the most unbelievable thing. Mind you no lip just wide open mouth and tunsils. She throated it and kept it there while I cam. She didn’t flinch not one and I’m like dam really? I knew that shit when straight down her throat. I didn’t even hear her swallow but when she looked up once my dick was out there was nothing. I’m like good grief. She said you didn’t know I could do that did you. I said no. She liked at me laughed and said I didn’t know I could do that either. My eyes lit up. At a lost of word I walked out the house and smoked a cig and she came out side and said so when is the next time your off? I said I about two weeks. She said maybe we can go to a bar or something if your fine with that. I said that’s fine with me. I kissed her and said well next time I’m going to pull some tricks on you. She said boy your 29 you can’t show me nothing I said and your 59 and this young dick does thing imaginable. She said well I’ll see

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