The Act (Part 1)

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Haz 22, 2020 // By:admin // No Comment

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Merhaba sex hikayeleri okuyucuları, derlediğimiz en büyük hikaye arşivini sizlerin beğenisine sunuyoruz.okuyup keyif almak ve sırılsıklam olmak işte tüm mesele bu.

The Act (Part 1)Mike was hosting a special show at a private club that backed onto a casino where a small gathering had paid good money to come and watch. He was an illusionist and promised a show like no other. Gemma was with her boyfriend and they had got in on special rate tickets won during a poker game an hour earlier. They sat with the rest of the audience watching as Mike did a few card tricks. For his next act, he asked for a volunteer and looked towards Gemma. As if on cue, a spotlight picked her out and the audience clapped as she made her way up to the stage. This was clearly rigged but she played along with, wondering what she was in for.Gemma was an ample girl in her early thirties, still single, wearing a red dress that revealed a plunging cleavage as it d****d over her hips. Her hair was tied up around her head revealing pretty facial features and lips that pouted full. She was, by definition a big, beautiful woman who matched all criteria of Mike’s next act.“I have here, a vial of rare magical water that make clothes invisible and the body willing to my commands”. He turned to Gemma who stared back nervously. The room grew quiet as Mike raised the vial and with a flick of his wrist, splashed it down the front of Gemma’s dress.The liquid soaked into the fabric of her dress, darkening the colour as it spread. At first, Gemma felt nothing then she became aware that everything felt tighter. The dress seem to cling to her round form now as her wide hips and arse became more prominent. Beneath her panties seem tokat escort to rise up into the crease of her vagina and bum cheeks whilst her breasts strained in her bra.She squirmed as the tightness increased. Suddenly the dress began to tear at the seams, her flesh bulging through. She gasped in surprise as she squirmed some more. Her bra was cutting into her now so she attempted to readjust it until it suddenly popped undone at the back. The dress continued to tear, the material going loose then falling off her together with her bra. Her panties had disappeared into the folds of her fat until the elastic gave out though they stayed there, sealed within her own dampness. The dress seemed to twitch as it shrunk further until gradually it broke apart and melted away into the floor.Gemma stood with one arm across her chest, the other hand outstretched over her pubis, trying to conceal her modesty with one thigh slightly bent to ensure her legs remained closed.“Oh no”, said Mike. “Raise your hands, come on, reach up”.She obeyed knowing if she didn’t, she’d be forced anyway. She let go of herself and lifted her large fatty arms. Her ample breasts sagged forward, the aureolas stretched out like large brown pancakes, the nipples pointing down touching her swollen, flabby belly. Her paunch folded over her mound, the thick black curly hairs clearly visible between her large thighs. Mike reached forward and pulled the now useless panties from her slit, the fabric seeming to disintegrate like the rest of her clothes.The escort tokat audience cheered as Mike stepped up behind and bound her hands behind her back. She was made to turn around and bend over as he reached forward and, fingers sinking into the soft skin of her arse, pulled it apart to expose her anus and pussy. He ran a finger around the outside of it, allowing the audience to see the pink of her pussy and her sex hole, glistening as he teased her, open as if inviting something to enter. He released her and turned her back to face the crowd. Her humiliation wasn’t over yet as he began teasing her nipples, making them protrude as they hardened to his touch.Gemma was feeling light headed as the intensity increased. She bit on her lower lip, not wanting Mike to know how it was actually pleasuring her. She felt all vanity go away as she began to feel exited, especially in front of her audience, knowing all of her femininity was revealed.Another woman in a long ballgown entered the stage wheeling a wooden bench that she placed behind Gemma, lengthways to her. Mike pushed Gemma back so that she had to lie on it It was uncomfortable as she lay on her bound wrists but by spreading her legs, she could ease the weight. This was the whole plan though as Mike kicked her feet apart so that her thighs were fully spread. The woman assisted by taking an ankle as Mike lifted each leg in turn so that the knees were drawn up to Gemma’s chest. Her breasts sagged either side of her torso as the woman held her ankles firmly. She tokat escort bayan continued to hold Gemma’s legs up as Mike reached for her vagina. He placed his fingers around her vagina and pulled it apart. Her sex hole gaped open and with one hand, he placed the fingers inside her. Gemma gasped as he pushed further, feeling him enter her and arousing her further. She now panted and gasped as she stretched to her limit, his hand slipping in her on her own juices. Now his whole hand was in her as he made a fist and fucked her with it. He was pushing on her bladder too although the intensity was getting too much for her to care. He started to pull out as she cried out. A wave of emotion washed over her as she orgasmed and felt her whole pussy go numb. Her bladder let go to and she squirted as Mike pulled his fist clear. A spirt of clear pee mixed with her cum ejected from her pussy as her whole body shuddered, her bare breasts wobbling like jelly, the nipples pointing proudly now.Her breathing came in short gasps as she continued to pee, the feelings coming back gradually. The woman released her ankles and Mike pulled her up off the bench. Gemma continued to pant, her breasts rising and falling with her chest. Sweat ran down her brow and her face was flushed red. More sweat glistened between her breasts as she began to calm down.Mike released her wrists from the restraints and turned to the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen; that was the magic water and it transforms people”!The audience clapped and whistled as the woman assistant gathered up a towel robe and passed it Gemma. Without tying it up she exited the stage, her thighs and boobs wobbling as she walked. People shouted for an encore but her pussy was too sore for that. Maybe for the second half of the act!

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