The Pastor’s Property
Haz 27, 2020 // By:admin // No Comment
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The Pastor’s PropertyI Wouldn’t be lying if I didn’t say I was nervous. We just moved into this community 6 months ago and only got accepted into the local church last month. It was honestly an honor. Pastor Marvin and his family have been known for their work, but are famously secluded. In was only through a work contact and a dinner with a well sitting family in the church that we were asked to attend services. That was 3 months ago. I was interviewed last week, It’s my wife Melissa’s turn this week. family is very important to this community. Traditionally young families with at least 1 c***d are accepted. c***dren are seen as a sign of strong commitment, another is at least 5 years of marriage. These are not things we met as we only recently married a year and a half ago. We also have yet to have a c***d, but have been planning. Pastor Marvin was excited to hear we were planning and getting ready to try and have a c***d. family and c***dren are important commitments to God he Reminded me. This was part of the reason we were accepted. Traditional values are also of up most importance. Women are home makers and rear c***dren, men work. This isn’t contested. Women are encouraged to have as many c***dren. In fact they would prefer women have at least 4 c***dren. Church teachings and leadership takes years of involvement Marvin told me. The church has around 60 families, but only a few are close to Pastor Marvin. I didn’t want to mess up our chances within the community. It had been a little over an hour since Melissa went in to her interview with Pastor Marvin. His attendant bornova escort led her to his office and has allowed me to sit in the waiting room. Ever so often she goes back to check and looks back with a smile.“your wife will be with you shortly. Pastor Marvin is almost finished with her” she spoke in a kind and encouraging voice. This let me feel at ease. For a little while the attendant had her gospel music a little high, but her smile reassured me all was going well. I know they went over a lot during my interview, so I expect the same with her. Melissa was just as excited as I was. A new home, job and start on life. I at 23 and her at 20. The chance to advance the so called social ladder was a blessing in a new community. We knew almost nobody. Melissa was aware that this church wasn’t a place for fun so she kept a cool attitude. As long as it wasn’t a bunch of stuffy old women and boring 3 hour long sermons. Services we fairly short and didn’t really seem to ruffle feathers. The church really seems committed to family and serving those who likewise commit to family. She wore her best dress today. Maybe over kill. We wanted to impress not only the Pastor, but the other families. Her long curly dark hair went over her nice church dress. White with pink and blue flower print. A nice blue belt, white slip and white stockings. She wore a new pair of white shoes as well. She wore a simple button up sweater to keep warm. She looked wonderful. The perfect wife.The attendant disappeared after saying. “I’ll be back with your wife. Just a moment.” She got up escort bornova and quickly went into her side office that linked into the Pastor’s main office. She had done this numerous times during the interview. She wasn’t there during my interview, but she seemed to be helping him with her. Before my mind could drift Melissa stepped out of the office. She brushed her hair a bit and looked nervous as she walked toward me. He skin was flushed and it looked like she was sweating.“Did it go well?” I asked. “Yes, .. it went well.” she replied. Her voiced hinted unease, but before I could ask… “We are full members. We are invited to dinner tomorrow night at the Whitting Home” She said in an almost rehearsed speech. “That’s great, but did everything go alright?” Questioning her unease. “This is what you want? Right, Honey? She asked. “family and a great community is all we can ask for. I hope it went well. I have a good feeling about this.” I replied. “…I support you honey, for a family. Lets go… I want to lay down. I need to think.” Melissa replied. As we made our way down the stairs Melissa struggled a bit.“Legs fell asleep from sitting.” she quipped. As we hurried to the car. When we got to the car Melissa slumped into her seat. Ready to go home, but a look of annoyance arose on her face. “My sweater? Can you get it?” she asked. “My legs are sore I will sit by the car.” I got up and headed back into the church. On the way up I passed the attendant. She smiled as I passed by. The waiting room was empty, so I knocked on a wood post near the stairs. “Pastor Marvin.” bornova escort bayan I asked. “Come in.” he replied. I walked into his office. A nice couch, book case and desk greeted you when you came in. He was sitting in his chair looking out into the parking lot. I could seem Melissa’s sweater on the couch. As I grabbed it the Pastor’s voice boomed. “A fine wife you have and a great family you will make.” As he got up from his chair. “I hope to see you folks at dinner. Tell her to wear the same thing. My wife would enjoy that.” “I will, she will.. sir.” I nervously replied. I couldn’t help notice that on his desk was a pair of blue woman’s underwear. He noticed my eyes too.“My Kistamaker, my attendant, found those in the back area. I hope teens haven’t been back there again.” He laughingly replied. “…Not until marriage” he said shaking his head. There were teens in the lot, but I don’t think we saw any near the church. The underwear looked bigger than a teen’s and they looked freshly soiled. I could see the crotch was soaked and dirty. I honestly couldn’t stop looking. By this time I swear I could smell the underwear. It smelled like sex and it was making me feel uneasy. The blue color of the fabric showed the wetted crotch and what seemed to be a mass of seamen with a bit of blood. Perhaps this was brought in during the interview and this made Melissa nervous. Perhaps, but I had to look away and think about important things. “I’ll see you at dinner, tomorrow. We will be dressed sharp and right on time.” I assured Pastor Marvin. The drive home was uneventful Melissa slept and once home I went to the freezer in the garage to get steak and Melissa headed straight for the shower. She took a bit but emerged fresh and seemingly happier. She prepared dinner and I got ready for the evening. It had been a good day.
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