The Twelve Keys
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Merhaba sex hikayeleri okuyucuları, derlediğimiz en büyük hikaye arşivini sizlerin beğenisine sunuyoruz.okuyup keyif almak ve sırılsıklam olmak işte tüm mesele bu.
The Twelve KeysSubmitted by Rachael, Ms. Robin’s sissy maid “Honey, you have been doing so well in that new chastity belt. It has been a month since my last inspection and you look like I just put it on yesterday.” It sure didn’t feel like that to me. I twisted absently at the ropes that held me securely to the bed while sucking on the dildo gag that was strapped to my head. “I have a new game that we are going to play. I hope you like it sissy, because when this game is over there will be no more releases from your chastity belt.” I took notice of that and watched as my lovely Mistress reached into a drawer in the nightstand. I was puzzled when I saw that it was a jar full of keys. Mistress jangled the jar of keys in my face. “There are 36 keys in this jar sweetie. Unfortunately for you, only 12 open up your chastity belt. Here is the way this is going to work. On the first of every month I am going to pull a key from this jar. If it opens your belt then you get to have an orgasm that month. One of my choosing of course, but an orgasm none the less. But, if the key doesn’t work in the lock then you stay locked up till the next month. How does this game sound so far honey?” I grunted and wiggled a little bit in my restraints. “Oh, I forgot that your mouth is busy right at the moment. Well, there is a little bit more to this game than just what I have told you so far. After every key is tried in your belt, then the key is cut up and thrown away. Eventually, when all twelve of the keys that can open your belt are gone then there will be no remaining key that can unlock your belt. I will then fill the keyhole on the lock with liquid solder and you will be locked up for the rest of your life. Doesn’t that sound like fun?” I grunted as loud as I could and tried to thrash on the bed. “Oh, and another thing. If you don’t perform your sissy maid duties appropriately then when I pull out the monthly key I will just cut it up without even trying it in the lock. Like this!” I watched with horror as she reached into the jar and pulled out a key. Mistress then reached into her nightstand and pulled out a pair of metal snippers and proceeded to cut the key in half. “Remember how you forgot to scrub the kitchen floor on Tuesday. And then a couple of weeks ago when I found you not wearing your 5-inch heels when you were finishing the dinner dishes that night. I told you then that there was no excuse for not wearing your heels when serving me. Even if you had them on for 12 straight hours that day. And then there was the time that your petticoats that you wear under your nightgown at night was not the full set. Remember, you didn’t expect me to check? Well, that’s three strikes and out for this months key. Maybe next month you will do better. . . Of course, you will always wonder if that key would have opened your lock or not. I guess only time will tell.” Mistress then clicked the lock shut on my chastity belt and started to untie me. On the first of June, the next month, I found myself in the same position of being tied to the bed of my Mistress. A new dildo gag was in place, this one having a 4 inch dildo rather than the 3 inch dildo from last month. “Well my little pet this month you will have the opportunity for release. You performed your duties admirably this month. I might remind you though that you will always be required to be fully dressed at all times including when you are sleeping. The only times you will be naked is when you are taking a shower and times like this when you have the possibility for release. No complaining about it anymore or the next key will be cut up. I know it might get a little warm wearing the full length, long sleeve, high button collar, flannel nightgown, three sets of petticoats, heavy duty thigh high stockings, nighttime sleep bra and fully ruffled granny panties. Especially since there is no air vent in the little cubby hole under the stairs where you have to sleep. It will probably get worse during the heat of the summer. But at least during the winter you are able to stay warm. These kind of uncomfortable difficulties that you have to suffer through are part of being a sissy. Rather, they are part of being my sissy. You like being my sissy maid and serving me 24/7/365 don’t you?” I nod my head vigorously in the affirmative as the dildo gag keeps me silent. I then watch as a key is pulled out of the jar and inserted into the lock. Mistress twists the key but the lock will not open. “Oh, to bad,” Mistress says as she takes the key and cuts it in half. “Maybe next month little sissy. Just remember to serve me well so that you at least get the chance to have a release.” It is the 1st of July and I find myself tied back down to the bed. “You have served me well again this month sissy. And you didn’t even complain when I informed you that the ballet boots with the 7-inch heels that came in this month would not only be worn for the hour of corner time that you serve before you are allowed to go to sleep at night but that you would also be wearing them while you sleep. I have noticed that you seem a lot more comfortable in the 5-inch heels that you have to wear with your maids uniform during the day. It won’t be long that you will find it hurts just to take a shower which is the only time that you are without heels. Your achilles tendon will shorten up because of the constant extreme heel wearing and make being barefoot a painful experience. But that is how the life of a sissy goes now doesn’t it,” Mistress tells me as I watch her take a key out of the jar and insert it into the lock on my chastity device and give it a twist. “Click.” “Wow, what a lucky slave,” Mistress exclaims as she proceeds canlı bahis siteleri to remove my chastity belt which had been on for the past three months. Once the device was removed Mistress carefully examines me for any skin damage or abraisions that may have been caused by the belt. “You know sissy, that laser treatment that we got to remove all your body hair was definately worth it. Not a single hair to be found,” she said as she ran her hand over my ball sack and above my sissy clit which was already trying to get hard. I watched as Mistress pulled on a pair of latex gloves and then proceeded to stroke and caress my sissy clit in an effort to see what would happen. “Bet you wish you could feel my actual skin touch your worthless little sissy clit don’t you? You know the rules–you will never feel the actual touch of anyone ever on your worthless little appendage. This is the price you have to pay to be my sissy. Well it seems that this is as hard as you can get so lets see what we have here.” I looked down to see that my sissy clit was semi-hard but even with the attention of the Mistress it wasn’t getting hard the way Mistress’ lovers got hard. She measured it with her cloth tape measure and told me the bad news. “4 inches-is it any wonder why you have to serve as my sissy maid. I suppose if we had a Master here forcing this little sissy to suck his big cock, well, I guess he wouldn’t have to force you now would he you little faggot.” I shake my head no. Once again I remember when Mistress showed me that I was gay and how that didn’t make any difference to her as I was to remain in her service as a sissy maid for the rest of my life and since chastity was part of the deal it just did not make any difference if I was gay or not. Mistress set out a timer where I could see it and set it for 11 minutes. She then attached a little bullet vibrator to the head of my sissy clit and turned it on and started the timer. “OK sissy. You have 11 minutes to cum. I’ll be back when I hear the alarm go off.” And with that she stood up and left the room. After three months of chastity it only took 4 minutes for me to cum and the next 7 minutes were difficult with the vibrator buzzing away on my now completely limp sissy clit. Finally the alarm beeped signaling an end. “Is that all you managed to get out?” Mistress said as she lifted the plate that had been placed to catch my release. “Well, I guess it is probably better than nothing,” she said as she poured the fluids into a funnel that was attached to a tube that ran into my mouth through the dildo gag. Soon I could feel my fluids dripping down my throat. I watched as the chastity belt was locked back on and the key that had opened it was cut up. For the next 7 months I did not get a key that would open the belt. Every three months Mistress would milk me via prostate massage just to make sure that I maintained good health. She also kept adding to my workload making sure that everything was perfect in my service to her. There were 24 keys left in the jar. March 1st found me tied down to the bed in my usual position. “Sissy you are doing such an excellent job at serving me that I actually hope this months key works. Before we try it however, I want to advise you of some changes that are going to start tomorrow in your life. I have decided to rent you out to people who need a sissy maid such as yourself to come and do housework for them. I have lined up 4 different people that you are going to be serving. You will go do their housework once a week so that means that on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday you will rise an hour earlier than your usual 6am wake-up time so that you have time for your usual morning routine of showering, dressing, morning chores, and bringing me breakfast in bed at the usual 10am. After cleaning up from breakfast you will go to whichever house is on your schedule for that day arriving at noon. You will then work until 7pm when you will return home and perform any remaining chores here as well as serving me a light, late dinner. Instead of beginning your corner time at 11pm as you are accustomed to, you will begin at midnight as this is how long it should take for you to get all your work done. So on the days when you are rented out you will be working and doing your regular sissy training for 20 hours. Is everything clear?” I nodded my head in affirmation while watching the key being inserted in the lock and turned. “Click.” I have never felt such relief as I watched my chastity belt be removed. Mistress then put on a pair of latex gloves and proceeded to jerk off my sissy clit with her hand. I lasted a whole 2 minutes. As she was locking the chastity device back on me she said: “Oh, by the way, another new thing that we are going to do is make sure that you do a good job for these new people that you will be rented out to. They will also be picking out keys on the 1st of the month. If they decide you have done a good job for them, then their keys will be tried in the lock in addition to mine until you are unlocked. If they decide that you didn’t do a good job then their key will be cut up without being tried in the lock and you will have to wonder if an opportunity has been missed. If there are still keys remaining if and when you get unlocked then as long as you have done a good job for the remaining keyholders those keys will be returned to the jar. Are the new rules clear little sissy?” I nodded my head yes. April 1st found me bound in my usual position on the bed. The difference was that 5 people including my Mistress now stood around the bed. Each one had already drawn a key and stood holding it. “Mary why don’t bahis firmaları you go first,” Mistress said to the blond woman that was closest to me. “Did the sissy do a good job for you?” I looked at Mary already knowing the answer. When I had first gone to Mary’s home I had been appalled to see all the work that was waiting for me. On each of my 4 visits during the month I had been unable to complete all the housework that needed to be done before my 7 hours of service were up. This was usually because Mary found some reason to tie me down and beat my ass with a belt. Mistress would often chuckle when I arrived home and would be unwilling to sit down because of the soreness of my ass. “No, the sissy did not perform satisfactorily for me,” said Mary in response to the question. “Then cut the key up,” my Mistress told her. Mary took the metal snips and cut the key in 3 pieces. “Frank, how did sissy do for you,” Mistress asked the tall, muscular man standing next to Mary. I knew Franks answer to as I always managed to complete the housework at Frank’s home and I also had time to service him orally when he arrived home from work. The last time that I had gone to Frank’s house he had even fucked me in the ass with his magnificent 8-inch real man cock. “Sissy did perform satisfactorily,” Frank said with a smile. “Then go ahead and try your key.” Frank inserted the key and twisted it but the lock didn’t open. He then removed the key and took the tin snips and cut the key up with a smile. “Don, how did sissy do for you?” Mistress inquired of the man standing next to her at the foot of the bed. I didn’t know how Don would respond. Don was a short, overweight and balding gay bar owner. When I went to Don’s home I had found that it was located above the gay bar that he owned. When I had completed the housework which only took a couple of hours Don would then have me work as a waitress in the bar. And the last time this month he had something even more degrading for me to do. He took me into the bathroom of the bar and tied me on my knees in front of a broken urinal. After tying me to where I could not move a muscle Don then advised me that the next 5 hours I would serve as a urinal for his customers. When I finally got home that evening I had to report to Mistress that 11 different men had used me as a urinal and that 7 of those men used me for a blowjob as well. Mistress’ response was only that I was probably full then and would not need to take time to eat any dinner. “The sissy did NOT perform satisfactorily,” Don said with a grin. He then took the snips and cut up the key he was holding. “How did the sissy perform for you Bianca?” Mistress asked the lovely brunette standing to her left. I was unsure of what Bianca’s response would be as well. Bianca was a lesbian who lived with a partner in a home out away from the city. I had always completed the housework but had never failed to get a beating from both of the ladies. The two ladies seemed to have a real hatred for men that they didn’t hesitate to take out on me. On one of my visits they didn’t even let me do the housework first but rather took me out to the barn where they tied my up in suspension bondage and proceeded to whip me with an assortment of canes, paddles, and straps. Then when my back and ass were crisscrossed with welts they had let me down and sent me off to do the housework. The sissy did not perform satisfactorily,” Bianca replied, “for either of us. Susan requests that a key be disposed of for her as well.” “Of course,” Mistress replied as she handed the jar to Bianca so she could pull out another key. I then watched as Bianca cut up two keys. “It has been a bad day for you sissy,” Mistress said as she held up her key. “Because you did not perform satisfactorily in 3 out of 4 assignments then my key shall be cut up as well.” And with that she cut the key she was holding in half. “Hope you do a better job next month sissy. Oh, and by the way, I have added two more clients so that is a total of 6 people you will be serving. That means you will have 6 days a week of working 20 hours. The life of my sissy is not an easy one,” Mistress said as she started to untie me. There were now 17 keys left in the jar. And I have only been released twice out of the 19 keys that have been pulled from the jar. How many of the 12 keys that would open my belt were left in the 17. I was hoping for 10 of course. May 1st found 8 people gathered around my bound form on Mistress’ bed. The four people from last month as well as Bianca’s partner, Susan, my Mistress, and the two new clients Todd and Dave. Mistress asked Dave how my service was first. Dave was a very dominant Gay Master who spent the majority of the time I was there training me in various techniques of pleasuring men. Dave was actually the hardest person that I had found to serve as my homosexuality was really being brought out by Dave and being locked in chastity was not making things any easier. “Sissy performed very well for me,” Dave said with a smile. But when he tried his key the lock did not open. Todd was next and stated that I had performed excellently for him as well. Todd was a nice enough guy who was married to a beautiful woman attorney who didn’t have time for housework. She was dominant over Todd but allowed Todd decide how to have the housework done. You see, Todd is quite the stud himself. This macho man loved to fuck his dominant wife into submission and had done it right in front of me so I would know what a great lover he was. Fortunately I only had to witness this once as Mistress informed Todd that I was not allowed to view any scenes of sexual intimacy as this was the kaçak iddaa price I paid for being a small-dicked, sissy maid fag. Unfortunately when Todd tried his key the lock would not open either. Mary was next and gave me the OK. Her key would not open the lock either. Frank was next and gave me the OK. He inserted his key in the lock and twisted it. “Click.” “Is that a tear I see sissy?” asked Mistress. “Are you sad or happy that you get to have a cum? Oh wait, you can’t answer can you?” Mistress asked if anyone would like to get me off and Dave stepped forward. He slipped on latex gloves and then tied a rope around my ball sack very tightly. Then he started to roughly jerk me off while he picked up a ball paddle with his other hand and started to smack my testicles with ever increasing force. When I came about a minute later he told Mistress that he always gave 5 swats to the testicles with the paddle for every spurt and that I had spurted 3 times. I then had to endure 15 hard smacks to my testicles. More bad news followed. The three remaining people when asked said that I did not perform satisfactorily so their keys were cut up. “Four positives and three negatives sissy. Just enough so I will put my key back in the jar,” Mistress said as she smiled sweetly as she dropped the key she was holding back in the jar. “Only 10 keys left my pet,” said Mistress as she rattled the remaining keys around in the jar. June 1st found 9 people around my bound form on the bed of my Mistress. Todd had brought his wife, Denise, with him. Everyone had drawn a key and there was only 1 key left in the jar. One by one everyone gave me a positive review of my performance that month. And one by one everyone tried their keys in the lock of my chastity belt. Not one key opened the belt. Even the key held by my Mistress was not a lucky one! After all the keys were cut up Mistress brought out a gray box with a steel tube sticking out from the side about 7 inches and a handle on the top with a small red switch alongside the handle. “This is a Bailey Ejaculator,” Mistress explained to everyone. “Farmers use this model on goats and rams to force ejaculations from their a****ls when they need them for breeding through artificial insemination. I am going to be using this on sissy once a month from now on to make sure that he gets his prostate emptied out. Have to keep the sissy healthy you know.” As she was putting lubricant on the steel tube Mistress explained the device further: “Once this tube is inserted up his ass it is positioned on the prostate. The button is pressed for 4 seconds and then left off for 4 seconds. This cycle is repeated until fluid is seen flowing out. Since sissy will be left in his chastity belt there will be no erection so it is just a question of waiting for some fluid to drip out. I will then do seven more cycles with the device to make sure sissy is completely drained. Each time the device is switched on an electrical charge will be set off. I have been told that this is fairly uncomfortable–some say even painful–for the slave. But this is how my sissy will be taken care of. I will now insert the device and perform the milking.” I felt the tube being inserted and then Mistress moved it around until I indicated with a grunt that it was on my prostate. She pressed the button and I screamed in my gag as the jolt hit me. It seemed like 4 minutes rather than 4 seconds. The 4 second break though seemed like only 4 seconds. After five jolts Mistress pointed out that fluid was starting to drip out. Seven more jolts then followed and then the fluid that had dripped on the saucer that had been placed to catch whatever was expelled was fed back to me through the tube in the dildo gag in my mouth. “I will be doing this on the first of every month from now on if any of you would like to come by and be a witness to this. As the key game is over for you there really is no reason that you have to come by but know that you are always welcome. I know some of you are going to continue to rent my sissy for once a week visits and some are going to cut back to once a month but know that if you have any friends that are interested in this service just let me know and we will work it out.” After everyone had left Mistress sat me down and said: “Sissy there is one key left. Here is what I propose: If you would like I can try the key in your lock in 10 days. If it opens the lock I will let you jerk yourself off one last time before locking you up forever. Or you can just let me hang onto the key and try it at a time of my choosing with a minimum of a 10 year wait time. If you let me try it at this future date if it opens the lock I will not cut up the key but rather I will keep the key and unlock you once every 3 years and allow you to jerk off. If the key does not open the lock–well bad luck for you, but after 10 years I don’t think you will care anyway. I promise you that I will never get rid of you or sell you. Your primary mission in life will always be to serve as my sissy maid. And there will be one other person that you will be serving as in two weeks my current lover will be moving in. But I will always be in charge of deciding when you are disciplined and your work schedule etc. But that’s another matter. What is it going to be sissy? Try the key in 10 days or 10 years?” I swallowed hard but it was an easy decision. “Please Mistress, can you hold on to the key and try it in 10 years.” I felt my little sissy clit drip just a little bit as it unsuccessfully tried to expand in the tight confines of the steel tube around it as you said: “It would be my pleasure sissy. I will put the key in the safety deposit box at the bank tomorrow,” Mistress said with a smile. Regards,RachaelMs. Robin’s sissy ——————————————————————————–[ Back to chastity fiction page ] Page last updated 06-Aug-22 by: [email protected]
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